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We all want something. We all want someone. Everything and everyone has a price no matter what, it includes their happiness.  A happiness that some people have to pay the price, a price that people might get hurt. But sometimes its almost to their goal of happiness. Some people never really get their happiness, they end up hurt and that's an almost happiness.  People just have happiness, but they haven't always been happy, someone, or something caused that happiness, but sometimes those who craved it the most. They can be dangerous and in the end.

Almost is never really enough for them.


The whole gang were relieved when they finally realized that Lana was back, Hyde of course had  to pretend that he didn't know and that he did not care as well. They all were sitting down at the basement watching television, Jackie on Kelso's lap, Fez on his usual chair as well as Hyde, Donna in between Kelso and Eric while Lana was sitting down on the freezer reading a book.

"Man it's Saturday night and there is nothing to do." Kelso complained

"We could go to the hub," Eric suggested but everyone disagreed "well what else can we do?"

"Speaking of things to do," Jackie said "Lana one of my friends said that Daniel wanted to ask you out on a date." As soon as those words came out of Jackie's mouth Lana looked up from her book, she raised an eye brow at the young girl before opening her mouth to speak.

"Who's Daniel?" She asked

"Only the most popular guy in the whole school!" Jackie exclaim "Just imagine it Lana, you could be so popular!" Lana couldn't help but roll her eyes at Jackie, all she ever thought about was popularity. She really didn't care about that.

"I rather pass," Lana said "I don't care if I am popular or not but I am not going on a date with him."

"Why not?" Jackie said

Lana sigh before shutting her book to look at Jackie "You know exactly why." Jackie saw that Lana stared at Hyde who tried so hard to ignore the fact that someone was trying to date the girl her likes.

"Oh right," Jackie said "I forgot." Lana grabbed her book before hopping off and opening the freezer and getting herself a cherry ice Popsicle.

"Where are you heading?" Eric asked

"I am heading to my room," Lana said while walking up the stairs "I need to finish the assignment before midnight or else I am going to be cranky in the morning."

Hyde waited 10 minutes before telling Eric that he was heading upstairs to get a drink, he was frustrated for hearing that someone wanted to date Lana but angry because things at his home hasn't been great (well it's more crappy than it usually should be). Instead of getting a drink he made his way to Lana's room  (making sure that Kitty and Red weren't around ) and knocked on the door.

"Come in," He heard her soft voice and even though he does not want to admit it but hearing her soft voice always warmed his heart, he entered the room and shut it softly "You know you don't speak to me at all when we are around our friends, why is that?" Hyde did not say anything, why? because he did not know what to say, of course he doesn't say anything because he was afraid of saying something stupid.

"I honestly don't know what to say,"Hyde answered, Lana turned around and Hyde felt like he stopped breathing. Her cheeks were sucked in since she was eating and sucking on a cherry Popsicle, how can someone do something so dirty look so innocent? he thought to himself "uhm" Lana wanted to smirk, she knew what she was doing. She wanted to make him squirm. And she was succeeding.

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