Chapter 2

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Hank and I walked into the open door with an officer standing next to it. The apartment was completely trashed. I scanned my surroundings, noticing the victim on the floor next to a fallen curtain rod, a wooden chair laying in the floor, a skillet and the contents of the dining table on the floor, and an open kitchen drawer.

Hank turned to me. "Do your thing, Connor."

I gave him a nod and went over to the victim's corpse. I took another scan. He had a laceration just above his left temple and 4 stab wounds in his stomach. The curtain rod lie on his legs, and the cream curtains were partially torn from the rod and stained red by the victim's blood.

I touched the wound on his head, getting a little bit of blood on my fingers. I looked around to see if Hank was around. When I noticed he was busy speaking with another officer, I quickly sampled the blood. The victim's name was Mark Orville. Not surprisingly, my analysis revealed traces of red ice in his system.

I stood up and moved into the kitchen. I glanced inside the open kitchen drawer: knives.

I kneeled next to the skillet on the floor. There was stir-fry on the floor nearby. There was a blood stain on the bottom of the skillet; analysis confirmed that it was the victims.

I noticed a small splatter of the victim's blood on the dining table.

I reconstructed the events of the murder and called Hank in. "I think I've figured it out."

"Great. So what do you think happened here?" he asked, crossing his arms.

"The deviant was cooking dinner for the victim. The victim came in for unknown reasons. The deviant then swung the skillet at the victim's head, causing him to stumble back onto the dining table, toppling everything on it. The deviant pulled a knife out of the drawer," I guided Hank into the living room. "Causing the victim to run into the other room, pulling the chair down in the deviant's path. The deviant easily got over the chair and lunged at the victim, slamming him into the wall. The victim grabbed the curtain and fell to the floor, bringing the rod down with him. The deviant then stabbed the victim in the stomach 4 times."

"Okay. Where did the deviant go?"

I looked at the victim. "You'd think someone under the effects of red ice would fight back more aggressively."


I looked up at Hank. "Yes?"

"Did you hear me? Where did the deviant go after the murder?"

"Oh." I looked back down at the victim. "I hadn't gotten that far yet."

"Let's get looking, then."

"The deviant must have escaped out of a window somewhere. There is nowhere for it to hide in here, and it would've been too risky to leave through the main area of the building."

I looked around the room once more, with no more traces of blood to be seen. I went into one of the bedrooms; it only contained a wardrobe and a desk with a computer. I scanned for traces of blood around the window. As I looked around, I heard something crunch under my foot. I looked down to see a broken picture frame with a torn photo laying next to it. I picked it up, there was a smudge of blood on the back from where I suppose the deviant picked it up. It was a photo of a woman with (h/l) (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes smiling brightly and holding up a peace sign next to her face. She had her other arm around an unknown person on the missing side, probably the deviant.

I heard Hank's voice come from the main room. "I found something, Connor!"

I left the bedroom and went into the living room. Hank ushered me over. I followed him into the bathroom. I scanned the room. The window was open, the sink was stained slightly pink with small red spots, and a utility knife lie in the sink. "The deviant must have washed the blood off of itself so that it couldn't be followed."

Hank crossed his arms. "It must've known that we would have an android on the case. Unfortunately, deviants are smarter than human criminals."

"Yes. It's been a while since we've had a case like this, though."

Hank left the bathroom. "I think we've done all we can here. We just need to wait for the information from other residents."

We left the scene and went back to the station.

~Time skip to the station~

One of the officers came up to our desks. Hank and I looked up at her. "We got some information about the deviant from the neighbors." 

Hank answered. "Great. Let's hear it." 

She looked at a transparent tablet and began to read points from the report. "The deviant worked for the magazine company, Detroit Today. He was often seen with a human woman. The deviant is a PJ500 model without an LED known as Rhys." She looked up from the tablet. "That was all the useful information we were able to acquire." 

Hank looked at me. "Guess we should start at Detroit Today."  

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