Chapter 5

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I fidgeted with my coin, flipping it and transferring it in between my knuckles as I stood outside of the cafe. Why am I nervous? I thought to myself. I pocketed my coin and straightened my tie and my jacket before hesitantly walking in.

Once inside, I scanned my surroundings looking for (y/n). I noticed her sitting with a recyclable cup in her hand, looking out the window. I walked up to her table and pulled out the chair across from her to sit down. She looked up at me. "Oh. Hey, Connor."

"Hello, (y/n). Good to see you again." I smiled at her.

"Is Lieutenant Anderson not with you?"

"He didn't seem up for it today. He insisted on me coming alone."

She nodded. "Okay." She took a sip of her drink.

"What are you drinking?"

She looked into the cup, then back at me. "Oh, it's just a (favorite hot drink)."

I nodded. "Nice."

"Yeah." She looked down, biting her lower lip. "So what did you want to talk about?"

"Oh, yes. Of course." I rested my forearms on the table and held my hands together. "Did Rhys talk about any other people in a negative light?"

"I mean, we had a couple coworkers who gave him a hard time, but he never expressed a full-on hatred towards any of them. Why?"

I unfolded my hands to better explain the situation with hand gestures. "Well, the case I called you about the other night was another murder: at a convenience store this time. I analyzed the blue blood that was on site, and it matched Rhys's model and serial number. We believe Rhys killed the clerk and took the gun that was kept under the counter."

"You think he killed someone else? An innocent man?"

I nodded. "Yes. I'm sorry."

"No, don't be. I'm just... shocked. He was always so kind, but now... he's killed two people."

"Did he show any signs of instability in his programming?"

She furrowed her brows and cocked her head. "What exactly do you mean by instability?"

"Like difficulty controlling his anger. Did he ever do anything that seemed out of the ordinary?"

"I mean... He would space out sometimes. He would even be unresponsive for several seconds sometimes."

I averted my gaze. "Interesting... Do you know what he was thinking about during that time."

She shrugged. "I've asked him where he goes a few time, but the answer was always something like, 'Nowhere,' or, 'I don't know,' so I'm not sure what goes on when he does it. He was usually pretty open with me, but he was always so secretive about that."

I sat back and looked out the window, brows furrowed and arms crossed across my chest. "Strange, but possibly significant."

"Anything else?"

I looked back at her. "I don't have any more questions. Would you like to ask me anything?"

She smirked. "Actually, yeah." I tilted my head, ready to listen. "Can I come on any of these investigations with you? The whole detective scene has always interested me."

I raised my eyebrows, shocked by her question. "I would have to talk to Hank about that, but isn't Rhys your friend? Why would you want to help us look for him? Also, don't you have work?"

"I can work from my laptop at home, also, like I said before, I don't want him wandering the city. I want justice for the families of all murder victims. Besides... he killed an innocent person." She fidgeted with her cup. "I don't think I want to call him my friend anymore."

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