Her First Adventure

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Hello again my dear readers! So the prompt for this story was sent in by DinoCakeMaker and it is "where Clara and the Doctor have a child in the TARDIS and she's now two years old and they take her on an adventure." So here you go DinoCakeMaker! Thank you so much for sending it in, and I hope I do it justice.

        "Nope. Absolutely not. It will not happen!" Clara bellowed at the Doctor.

        "And why not? She's certainly old enough. Do you not trust me? Is that it? Because if not, then just go. I've only kept you safe for what...five years now?!" The Doctor yelled back. All he wanted to do was take their daughter, Ren, on an adventure. He and Clara snuck out at night and let the TARDIS "baby-sit" their child so they could adventure. They'd been in a bit of a rough patch lately (mostly the Doctor's fault) and hadn't adventured in a few weeks.

        "OF COURSE I TRUST YOU! I just don't want my daughter running all over the god damn place because the TARDIS never takes us where we ask to go. She will stay here. That's final," and with that, Clara stormed out of the room. After all, she was the boss.

        Ren sighed from within her tiny bedroom, which happened to be right next to her parent's room. Mom and Dad were fighting. Again. Her life had been increasingly difficult since they started arguing over everything. Her father came in and picked her up, twirling her around.

        "We're going to go talk with mom, alright?"

        "Why?" Ren asked, hanging on her father's neck.

        "Well...we're going to convince her to let you go on an adventure."

        After her husband and daughter's argument, Clara finally gave in. So they were going on an adventure after all. The TARDIS landed with a thud. Ren ran out, into an open field full of flowers.

        "So where did you take us?" Clara asked, as they walked after their child.

        "I took us to Earth, before any humans lived on it. Completely harmless...thought you might appreciate that," The Doctor smirked. Clara shoved his arm a little and thanked him. Then they heard Ren scream loudly as they looked from each other to see a strange looking giant bird walking towards her.

        "I thought you said it was safe!" Clara yelled running at Ren.

        "It is! The bird is harmless!" The Doctor yelled after her. Just then the bird grabbed Ren's arm and started dragging her away. The Doctor pulled out his screwdriver and temporarily blinded the bird, scooping up Ren in on hand and grabbing Clara's hand in the other. They ran back to the TARDIS as a whole herd of the birds ran to the center of the field where they had just been. Clara was tending to the giant gash in their crying child's arm while the Doctor took off.

        A half hour later Ren was asleep and the couple was sitting in the console room, drinking tea.

        "I am so sorry, Clara. I mean, you were right, now our daughter is going to be scarred for the rest of her life both emotionally and physically. She's way too young...I am so, so sorry."

        "Shh. Don't worry about it. I knew you meant well. Besides, probably not emotionally scarred; she most likely won't even remember it," Clara said, kissing him. They stayed like that for a little bit before Clara whispered in his ear, "I'm going to bed, Chin boy. Maybe you'd like to join?" And with that, she walked off to their room.

And that's it! Sorry it's a bit short...anyway, as always, please review, vote, and send in your prompts. Also, my apologies, I know it's been a while. I was just busy because of this freaking summer English assignment I gotta do. Hope you guys enjoyed!

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