Just Friends

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Prompt: Souffaldi. Clara and the Doctor have finally gotten together, and are in love. But the public doesn't approve. Their excuse every time is "we're just friends. Best friends."

Sent in anonymously; hope you all enjoy.


Clara watched as her friend Nina hung on the arm of her boyfriend, Mark. She watched as they flirted and kissed and did the cute things that everyone expects a couple in love to do. And all she could do was wish that people understood her love for her awkward man with the blue box.

She knew that loving the Doctor no matter what form he was in would be difficult. But when he was younger, and in the body of someone who looked 28, it was accepted that they were together. But when he regenerated, he looked so much older. Clara had accepted it was still the man she loved and she was fine with it. But every time they were in public and he kissed her cheek or held her hand or hugged her, they got strange looks from the people all around them.

Clara wanted nothing more than to yell to them, "Yes! That's right! We're in love, and yes, he's older, but who cares? So fuck all of you. Fuck you all...because you don't even understand."

When she told her father, he had been outraged at the thought that the Doctor was her boyfriend. She had introduced him to her father as John because her father had met the Doctor before; only he was a lot younger looking then. Her father had looked at her, repulsed. He had cursed and yelled and told her that this man, this man that she loved more than anything else, was just using her. He was using her for her body, for her looks. The Doctor had stood helplessly on the side, trying to defend himself, only to get punched by Clara's father. Clara had yelled and ushered the Doctor back into the TARDIS.

So they had decided that to the public eye, they would just be friends. Best friends. Whenever someone questioned them, one of them would simply reply, "We're best friends. Is that alright with you?"

And Clara hated every minute of it. She had to wait until they were in the safety of the TARDIS or her flat to show any kind of affection whatsoever. The Doctor would curse at the world for not understanding. It wasn't his fault he had grey hair and deep wrinkles now, or that Clara looked so young.

"Well, in about another 20 years, it won't look weird at all, " Clara would joke everytime one of them said something about it. To be truthful, the Doctor didn't want that to happen. Not because he wouldn't love her when she was old, but because it meant that she was that much closer to death- a salvation that not even he was allowed to have anymore.

Clara would get so frustrated that at times she would just break down crying, and often the Doctor would have to comfort her, and people would stare. He would simply reply, "We're best friends."

That's all they would ever be to anyone but themselves. Just friends.


So it's hope you all enjoyed! I actually had a lot of fun writing this one because it's just so much different than what I normally write. Also, most of the time when the story says it was sent in anonymously, it's because I came up with them. And I really wanted to write them, but I didn't want people to stop giving me prompts because they thought I wasn't accepting them anymore or something like that. I felt bad about writing that at the top and having it be only partially true. So I'm sorry. But please send in those prompts vote, comment and review, follow, and as always keep loving Who.

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