One Year

969 38 9

Prompt: Clara finds herself stuck in the TARDIS, and the Doctor is locked outside--as their attackers are gaining on them. The twist? Clara's pregnant with the Doctor's child, and he doesn't even know it yet. (Sent in anonymously. Thanks for the prompt! You know who you are.) Enjoy! (Christmas special never happened.)


Clara had dashed inside of the TARDIS, the Doctor right on her heels. As soon as she stepped inside, she hea the doors snap shut. She sighed a sound of relief as she turned to hug the man she has assumed entered behind her. But as she turned, she realized that he wasn't there. She pulled at the door desperate to open them. He could hear him pounding on the other side and yelling frantically. She head him sonic the door a few times, and seeing as he hadn't opened the doors, had failed miserably.

"CLARA!" She kept hearing him yell. She was trying as hard as she could.

"DOCTOR! I'm trying to open the doors! I swear this isn't my fault...I didn't shut them, c'mon TARDIS...c'mon," she whispered to the celing above her. This place was once her refuge and now it was trying to kill the man she loved.

'The father of my child,' she thought meekly in the back of her mind. She had only just found out she was pregnant a couple of days ago, and she couldn't find the right time to tell him. And now he might not even find out and it was all her fault.

"Doctor? I need you to listen to me," Clara said through the door. She heard the frantic clawing and yelling behind the door stop.

"What is it?" She heard him say, his voice catching in his throat. She fought the urge to break down in tears.

"I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you," Clara kept saying through the doors. She heard him reply the same everytime she said it. She was crying now, and all that was running through her head was that she needed to tell him; that he needed to know that she loved him.

"And there's one more thing," Clara sobbed into the door. She heard the Doctor crying now, too. They both knew he probably wasn't going to make it. "I'm pregnant."

At first she didn't hear anything. Then she heard the worst sound she had ever heard: the Doctor slamming himself against the door, crying and wailing, trying desperately to get inside. She tried the doors again and again. Then she heard a large click, and the clawing and wailing from the other side suddenly stopped. The door opened to reveal a barely breathing Doctor with a hole inhis chest.

Clara quickly dragged him into the console room and the TARDIS flew them to Clara's flat, as carefully as she could, fully aware that her theif was lying on the ground bleeding out. The TARDIS was making an awful creaking sound that Clara could only assume was crying.

"Doctor...c'mon hold on. For me. For your child. Doctor please. Please regenerate or something!" Clara sobbed into his hair. She was desperate, but she couldn't move him anywhere else on her own and it was agony to see him in pain as she moved him.

"Clara. My sweet, beautiful, impossible Clara. I know you'll be a great mother, just like I know that our child will be the most beautiful thing in highs universe. I can't regenerate; this is my last body, but at least I made my story a good one. I saved billions of people, I even saved you once or twice," the Doctor chuckled a little. Then he winced, and Clara could tell he was only holding on for her.

"Just make sure that the rest of your story is happy and complete. And make sure that this child is healthy and full of life and energy, just like you. You'll be great. Make sure to tell it stories about his daft old father the time-traveller and how he saved worlds. And Clara? I love you more than anything," the Doctor whispered. He was fading out and Clara clung onto him, even as the life drained from his body. She clung onto him until the TARDIS shook, indicating it was time to let go.

She held a funeral for him the next day. She was the only one there, and she hand-dug his grave and placed his body inside of it, even though she knew his real grave was on Trenzalore. She labeled his headstone "John 'The Doctor' Smith". She knew if he had seen it he would've chuckled in that lighthearted way he always did.


(Three months later)

Clara woke up from one of the first full nights of sleep she had gotten since her Doctor died with a painful stabbing in her abdomen. She drove herself to the hospital and had a miscarriage. She had promised the Doctor that she would raise their child and she couldn't even do that properly.

Clara cried every night for a month, grieving for her lover and their child. She had stopped working, and eventually stopped eating. Not even her own father knew what had happened to the Doctor or to her.

Clara tried therapy. She didn't want to kill herself, or hurt herself, or grieve anymore, which was the ultimate path of destruction she knew she was headed down. So she paid ridiculous amounts of money for a therapist. But none of them cared, and Clara couldn't take it anymore. She had had enough.


Clara Oswald passed away in her sleep on a rainy night on April 23, 2017; exactly one year to the day after the Doctor died.


Hey! That's the end of this chapter, sorry if you didn't like it. I'm in a sad mood, so I wrote a sad chapter. As always, please vote, review, follow, and send in those prompts!

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