Rwby Vol. 5 Part 2

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(thank you for 800 reads!)

--Jack's POV--

We hesitantly let the guy lead the way while Yang was driving her motorcycle and the shady dude is on the back seat,meanwhile I was running beside them with my semblance active

Yang:How much further,pal? | Shady Dude:This should just about do it.

We stop in a small clearing.

Shady Dude:You wait here,I'll go up ahead and make sure the coast is clear

He then run off to the bushes.

Jack:I dont like him... | Yang:Me too,Imma take a few things off,it's so hot. | Jack:Yeah,I should as well.

I take off my trench coat and fold it up,then laid it on Yang's bike. I suddenly got a very bad feeling,I followed my instincts and used my werewolf powers on my arm to block a fire dust bullet aiming at Yang.


Then the Shady Dude comes back with about,10 people maybe? With either stolen or makeshift guns and machetes.

Shady Dude:I can't believe you were dumb enough to let me lead you here. | Jack:Is this everyone? | Shady Dude:*chuckles* Yes,little dude,this is it. Well,unless you count the whole rest of the camp back that way. | Yang:That way? | Shady Dude:*looks at the others,confused* Yes,that way. | Jack:Good to know,thanks. | Shady Dude:Now to pay me back for this tooth,we're going to take your bike,and you're going to take your lumps.

Yang and I looked at each other,amused. I grab my weapons behind my back while Yang readies her Ember Cecilia on her human arm. They all raised they guard.

Shady Dude:You got the jump on me last time,bro,but you really ought to think twice about fighting all--

Yang activated her shotgun component on her tech arm,while I reload Aries,and they all step back.

Shady Dude:Alright...Get them!

Yang walked forward while I stayed back,watching for anyone try to flank her. Yang was able to easily take down two guys until people start firing at her,I took aim and shot a few at the stomach,so they wont die. Yang took down a few more dudes before kicking the Shady Dude in the throat,three people tried to flank her from behind,but I stop them by electrocuting them from behind. Yang continued to take down more people,I see the Shady Dude aiming for her,I instantly run up to him and punched his hand,making him miss his shot,and I kicked him in the chest,forcing the air out of his lungs,and colliding into another person.

I turned around and see Yang's arm shaking again,she closed her eyes and held her human arm with her tech arm to make it calm down.

Jack:Nice little warm up. | Yang:*chuckle* Yeah,that was a bit too easy. | Shady Dude:*coughs* Who are you? It doesn't even matter,when Raven finds out what you did,you're dead! | Yang:*scoff* Possibly,but I doubt it. I'm her daughter,after all. | Shady Dude:Then who are YOU? (referring to Jack) | Jack:Didn't you already see? (I said while lifting one of my arms with my werewolf powers activated) | Shady Dude:I'm dead.

The Shady Dude groans,then fainted from exhaustion.

Yang:Here's your coat. | Jack:Thanks.

--Your POV--

It's the next day,and we're watching Ruby and Oscar fighting in hand-to-hand combat,Ruby was a bit all over the place,and clearly not good on QTQ.

Jaune:Man,Oz wasn't kidding,Oscar's picking up on this stuff fast.

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