chapter 4

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Chapter 4 (Alec's POV)
We're on board for 2 hours now and I already packed out my bag and suitcases. I share my room with Jace and Max on the 6th floor. Simon and Izzy where togheter looking around the ship. Max and Jace where also gone playing soccer. So that means I am alone here. I decide to go out for a walk(not that I ever take walks but that doesn't matter) in the little garden on deck 13. I lay down on th3 grass and I look up to the sky. Some clouds where moving, birds where flying around. They where all so free. A freedom I'll never get. I wished I could be a cloud or a bird. Just to go my own way through life. No one who has a stupid opinion. But I can't cause life is like a prison. A dark little box filled with problems, people and things that hurt. A box you can't escape. A  box the becomes smaller by the time you grow up. How hard you try or how much you want to just can't do it. Why not? Because the world is really fucked up at this moment. People are getting crazy and you can't so anything about it. The only way you can try to come out this dark little box is by finding your own way out of it. But no one can.... When I have nightmares, it all feels so real. I'm scared. Scared to screw things up like I always do. Scared for bad things that could happen because of me.  Oh... that stupid shitty damn anxiety! I hate it. I really do. On this moment I feel heavy. My head hurts. It's too much for now. I need to stop overthinking about so much stuff. I try to relax. To get that irritating voice outside my head which tells me I can't do anything right in live. So I started to sing. Usually I play the piano with it but for now only singing is enough to express myself... 🎶 Feels like I'm falling, Into a world, Into a word I can't control. I hear it calling. Down in my soul, grippin' my bones. It won't let go... ohoohoohooohoooohooohoo
Wake me up. Won't you wake me up? Caught in a bad dream. Caught in a bad dream...
Feels like I'm frozen. Nowhere to run, nowhere to run from here. These walls are closing. Closing me in, wearing me thin whith fear...
Ohoohoohooohoooohooohoo. Wake me up. Won't you wake me up? Caught in a bad dream. Caught in a bad dream. Wake me up, I wanna feel the sun. Caught in a bad dream. Caught in a bad dream.🎶 "That was really impressive! Wow! What iss your name young man? You sang with so many emotions." "For how long have you been standing there?And who the hell are you?" "Oh yea. I'm Raphael. I work here. But you didn't answer my question about what your name is" "the name is Alec, and I'm sorry but I really need to go now." "Wait!...wait. would you like to play at the café sometime?" "Me?" "Yes, you. You dork" "oh well. I'd love that. I guess. Thanks!" "Great! For how long are you staying here?" "I'm staying here for three weeks" "OK, well if you want to play, all you got to do is text me. Here's my number" He puts his number in my phone and I wave him goodbye. This could be nice. Maybe I should ask Izzy for advise first?

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