chapter 20

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Chapter 20 (Alec's POV)
I don't know why but I am kinda nervous. Should I pick up Mags or not?
(Magnus' POV)
I was listening to some music whenn there was a knock on the door. That must be Alec! "I'm coming!" I open the door and there he stands. He looked totally stunning. I was speachless. "What is it? Am I not good dressed?" Alec asked worried. "No. I mean you-you look so beautiful" I said. He blushed. Ahewwww. "Well let's head to the party! Where is it ectually?" "It is somewhere hidden" Alec said grinning.
----later at the secret place---
We were holding hands. There was always this wonderfull feeling when I was with Alec. I can't describe it. "Wow this place is perfect. Why didn't I know about this?!" "I know, right?" Izzy said. Jace, Simon, Raphael and Ragnor where also already there. Alec was talking with Ragnir and I saw them both lauging very hard. 'RAGNOR WHAT DID YOU TELL HIM' "Want to drink something?" Jace asked me. "Ofc I want to drink blondie" I laughed. Simon put on the music. I walk over to Alexander, Ragnor and Raphael, who now joined them, and said "what is so funny here?" I saw Alec was holding his laughter. "Alexander?" I sat down next to him on a pillow. Some glitters fell down my face. "Are you finally joining us glitter prince" Raphael said. I gave him a fake mad look. "Your friends here told me some funny stuff about you" Alexander said laughing and giving me a hug. Simon and Izzy also joined us. "I want to know... I deserve to know. Pleaseee" Izzy begged. "No." "Come on we are your friends now" Simon said. "Yea, why don't we all tell some funny, embarrest moments from each other?" Jace said putting our drinks on the table. Before anyone could react there was a knock on the little hidden door. "Who on earth could be there?" "Clary" Jace said. "biscuit?" I asked Jace. "Ugggghhh" I heared Alexander. I had to smile at that. He is so cute when he is mocking. Jace opened the door and took Clary inside and kissed her on her cheeks. 'Oehhhh' everyone except Alec said. They sat down.
(Alec's POV)
"Now let's get back to Jace's idea. Cuz I liked that idea" Simon said. "Me too" Izzy said grinning at me with a devilish look. Oh no. This is gonna be hell though I know Iz won't hurt my feelings, but still. Jace quickly explained at Clary "Okay I'll begin" Clary said. "Two days ago I was in the elevator and Jace came in. He was wearing his swimwear and he tried to look like a model so he looked like a fish with his mounth. And he said 'hey babe, you have a beautiful hair colour.... that is why I feel fire in my heart' and when he stepped out he slid out and said 'from here I can see you better'" everyone was laughing so hard. Jace became bright red. "This... game... was... your...idea" I said between my laughter. Now it was Raphael who said somwthing. "I remember when Magnus was sick he puked over an old lady while she was eating her diner. Since then I haven't seen her there ever again. And the next day when he tried to appologite she just spitted out all her red wine on purpose all over him" I laid my head down laughing on his lap. I kissed him. "Ahhwww my poor little mags..." I said still laughing. He throw a pillow at Raphael. Cleary Ragnor was there too, cuz I could see he was reliving the moment. "No one said something about Alexander yet" Magnus said. "I will say something about him" Iz said. Here we go. "Since everyone knows he is into boys now I will tell you how I found out about it. It was new year's eve and we were all waiting downstairs for Alec. So I decided to look for him. I slowly opened the door of his room and there sat Alec on the bed with a doll with the face of Charlie Carver on it. He was kissing the photo of him. I decided to be quiet. When he was done kissing him he said 'oh Charlie for you I am even gayer than a rainbow' and when he noticed me he throw away the doll and he thought I didn't see him so I never wanted to hurt him by telling him I knew it a very long time ago" Everyone looked in shock in a funny way. Alec was deep red. "Charlie Carver? Really? For him you are actually gay and not for me?!" Magnus said. "No Mags please is not...not like that" I stuttered scared hoping Magnus wasn't angry at me. "Oh Alexander I am not mad babe" he rolled me over, sat on my lab and kissed me deep. "I love you Alexander" "I love you too" I smiled. "Well enough of this clingy stuff, let's dance!" Ragnor said. Simon chose the song 'we can do better' and we all started to dance. We were all singing out loud "WE CAN DO BETTER..TUDUDUTUTUDU" Magnus was a wonderfull dancer. Those perfect flexible moves... ooeehhhhhh I.LOVE.IT! He was the only thing I focussed on.

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