chapter 25

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(Alec's POV)
The next day we were back on the ship. We've decided, or well, I have decided to tell my parents about me. I mean, what could go wrong? Right?
.... well a lot. So here it goes....
I was so nervous. I felt the urge to just jump of the ship and swim away. But I knew I HAD to tell 'em. Living with keeping all this shit to myself is just not working. I need to do it. So I take one last breath and I open my mounth to say it... but then my father interrupted me. "So, Alexander... did you enjoy yourselfs yesterday?" Well, that's me fucked. I think to myself. How the hell does he even know about the fact that I was with Magnus. It's like I forgot everything. I feel like they caught me. "Uuhhmm yes. I mean, yea it was great. Actually..." and again he began speaking. Somehow it's kinda funny. My parents always taught me to be polite and not to interrupt. He continues "What did you say was his name again? Anges? Magnum?" Anges? For real? "His name is Magnus, dad. And I'd like to tell you and mom something..." I saw their looks changing. I felt so stupid for even considering this. I know how they feel about people like me, disgusting and above all, devilish. But there's no way out now, is there? I feel like everything was coming slowly towards me. As if it all wanted to crush me or something. I want to say it. So badly. But I just can't. I don't know how. I don't want my already fucked up life becoming even more miserable. I just want to run and lock myself up at this moment. "Alec, what's wrong?" My mom asked me concerned. You know, it sounds like she'd be so accepting. But the truth is... she wants every little thing to be so fucking perfect. And being gay isn't that. I swallow hard this time. I need Magnus. I need my sister.
"I-I-I am... uuhhhh. Y'know the truth is... I just wanted to..." and it felt like the angels heard me. On that moment Magnus came walking in. He knows I'm gonna say it now. So that means he also knows how much I need his right now. I look at him and as if he understands what I'm saying he's walking to me and holds my hand. I don't dare to look my parents in the eyes. Magnus gives me a little reassuring smile. A single tear falls down my cheek. "I..." My father stand up and looks at me real angry. "YOU ARE NOT TELLING ME MY SON, MY SON, IS A FUCKING FAGGOT! WHO DID THIS TO YOU?" I just break down. FUCK ALEC! Why can't you just be normal for god's sake. "Dad I'm so sorry" I let go of Magnus. "You're sorry?! Huh?! I will NOT accept such behavior in MY family. I won't let this ruin you. I'm gonna get all those weird and gross thoughts out of your god damn skull!" I look up to my mom. "Mom..." "Alec, your father is right. I still love you. And we'll help you get over it. Right, Robert?" Dad looks me stern in the eyes. I know he doesn't hate me like that and I, again, feel like a total failure. I'm suppost to make them proud and happy. He sights. "Yes we will. Don't worry son. Soon you'll be healthy again. But for now we have to leave this ship asap. Get away from that abomination"
Well I was wrong... the angels didn't hear me after all.
~~~~~(Magnus' POV)~~~~~
Everything goes by so fast. It feels like it's just some other stupid nightmare. But sadly, it isn't. This is the real messed up world. "I will make sure you'll lose your job for making my son think he's as gross as you. He has enough to deal with and you just fucked it up" Maryse whispered in my ear. Oh so she does know about Alec's mental state. "Wow. I'm impressed you still haven't found out about why Alexander is in this state. It's because of you!" "Enough!" When I looked around, Alec was already gone. I broke into a crying piece of shit. Fuck.
And just like that... everything changed for them. The lightwoods went away as soon as they could. With Izzy being increbibly angry at her parents, Alec even sadder then ever and Max, Jace and Simon all confused about what happened in this short amount of time. And as for Magnus... he got fired and thrown off the ship in Amsterdam. 'This is gonna be a long trip back home... if I even have one' he thought. He looked up to the sky and thinks about Alec. 'I need him. He needs me. I'll come back to safe you my Alexander. Don't let 'em trick you. Maybe, for now, this is the best...' Everything seemed to good to be true it appears.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2020 ⏰

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