chapter 16

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Chapter 16 (Alec's POV)
When I walk with Iz in the store she holds a hoodie in front of me. " no no no NO. Iz I'm definatelly NOT gonna wear that!" I say pointing at the hoodie. It was black with rainbow colours on it. There stood 'Hi! For if you didn't know it yet, I'm GAY!'. "Why not?! It's the perfect way for you to come out!" I hear Magnus burst out in laughter. "What?! This isn't funny!" "Oh my dear Alexander, it actually is" If I'm honest. I don't see the fun in it at all. "Well it's not and now I'll leave this shop" I walk out.
(Magnus' POV)
Does he really walk away because of that hoodie? "Alec wait!" He turns around. "What's wrong? Why did you leave? Is it because of that hoodie cause..." he interrups me "stop" "stop?" "I-I can't...Why does everyone says I'm gay?! I'm not." He started to cry. "I'm not..." Seriously, again about that? Why is it so hard for him to tell who he really is? "Alexander please stop this. You're making yourself crazy. You have to be yourself! I don't know if I can be with you if you want to keep us a secret forever. This won't work. You have to choose between me or the name and honor of your family. I will not ask again" I try to stay calm, but I could feel my eyes burning. "Magnus, I can't" "Alexander, choose now. I don't want to get my heart broken again. I don't think I'll survive that" the tears fell down my face. I want to leave here as soon as possible. "Mag..." I already know what he is about to say. I better end this now before
I will get hurt badly "Goodbye Alexander" I walk past him. I see Izzy and Clary standing at the front of the shop with shocked faces. I try not to have eye contact with them and I run over to a cab. I open the door and sit down. "To the port please" The driver start driving away and all I can think about is Alec. I know he is just as broken as I am right now, but I also know that he will never admitt that he's into boys. Later we arrived the port. I give the money and I walk out "Have a nice day!" The driver said. "Thanks! You too" I don't think this day can be worse. "Bane! Where were you huh?" It was Camille. I was wrong, this day could be worse. "I had my day off and now I go to bed" She looks me dead in the eyes. What have I done wrong? "Weren't you with that Lightwood guy. You know you can be fired if you have sex with one of the guests, don't you?" "What? First, I haven't slept with him. Second, how do you know about Alexander?" "I am not stupid, Bane"
(Alec's POV)
I was in my room. Jace, Max and I were watching Grimm on Netflix. I was so tired after everything that happened today with Magnus. I felt sooooo stupid. I yawned "Guys I think I go to sleep. Goodnight" "night" they said both together. "And have nice dreams about hot girls" Jace winked at me. "You mean like Calry?" I teased him. "Hand off from Clary! She's mine! But serious, you aren't interessed in her, right?" "No ofc not. She's all yours" he let out a relieved breath. I lay down and before I knew I was fallen asleep.
/a few mornings later/
I wake up. I dreamed the whole night about Magnus again. About kissing him. About seeing him. About laughing and sing with him. By the feeling that he doesn't want to see me again I feel sad. I avoided him for like 6 days now and I miss him so much somehow. I really want to sing right now causethag makes me feel better.
When I arrive at the bar I see that the roof is open. That means I can play in the fresh air. And I really need that right now. I sit behind the piano. And I started to play. 🎶"there goes my heart beating 'cause you are the reason I'm losing my sleep, please come back now. And there goes my mind racing and you are the reason that I'm still breathing. I'm hopeless now. I'd climb every mountain and swim every ocean just to be with you and fix what I've broken. Oh, 'cause I need you to see that you are the reason"🎶 singing and playing the piano always makes me feel better. I can put all my emotions in it. Just like now.
(Magnus' POV)
I heard Alec playing a song. I think it was 'you are the reason' by Calum Scott. I stay quiet behind the other side of the door. 🎶"there goes my hands shaking and you are the reason. My heart keeps bleeding, I need you now. If I could turn back the clock I'd make sure that I've defeated the dark. I'd spend every hour, of every day keeping you safe. And I'd climb every mountain and swim every ocean. Just to be with you and fix what I've broken. Oh, 'cause I need you to see that you're the reason."🎶 was he singing about me? 🎶"I don't wanna fight no more. I don't wanna hide no more. I don't wanna cry no more come back I need you to hold(you are the reason) come a little closer now just a little closer now. Come a little closer I need you to hold me tonight"🎶 does he means what he sings? Is this feeling real? I do what he sings I come closer and walk into the bar. He doesn't sees me yet. The last part of the son I deside to sing quietly with him. 🎶"I'd climb every mountain and swim every ocean. Just to be with you and fix what I've broken. 'Cause I need you to see, that you are the reason"🎶 he looks up and we have both tears in our eyes. We hold a little stare, but than he runs off. I can feel me legs become shaky and I can't stand properly. I lean against the wall and I slowly slid down to the ground. Why if he feels the same he runs off like that? Why?

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