chapter 19

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Chapter 19 (Alec's POV)
What? Okay this is it. I know my parents aren't here and even if the were here, I still don't care. I don't care anymore. All I care about is Magnus. I want him. No. I need him. I stand up and not looking anywhere but his eyes. I walk straight (well I try to if you know what I mean) to him. I grab him and I kiss him with everything I have. It's like I could really feel the fireworks from the kiss. The only sound I hear is the beautiful music in my head and a little whimper from Magnus. I tasted our salted tears which shows how much we love each other. When we broke from the kiss, we hugged each other and with that I knew that he will never let me go. And neither will I. When I was out of my beautiful world I heard all people cheering and klapping their hands. "Magnus, I-I love you. So much. I am so sorry for everything I've done. Will you please forgive me" Magnus caressed my cheek. And whispered "I think I already did. And I love you too. I promis I won't leave" I smile "Me too"Izzy and Simon came to us. "We are so proud!" "We are too" Raphael and Ragnor said. "And so do we" said Clary and Jace. "So since you two are a couple now, you have to join us tonight at our secret party in a hidden place here on the ship" Izzy said happy. "I dunno Iz" I said. "Come on Alexander. This will be fun for me? Please?" He bagged with puppy eyes. "Okay. I think that is the least I can do now for you" "yes!" Everyone said. "Maybe Raphael and Ragnor want to come too?" I suggest. "Yea that is a good idea. Come join us. The more the better!" Everyone went to their rooms to change in an other outfit. I decide to just wear a simple black trousers and a black shirt. I brush my teeth and I put on some parfume and then I am ready to go. I am wondering what Magnus is wearing.
(Magnus' POV)
OMG what happened today is amazing! But what should I wear?! I quickly took a shower and now I am putting on some purple glitter and gold with glitter make-up. I paint some purple strings in my hair and I blow dry my hair. When it is perfect in model I put some glitters in my hair. I polish my nails with glitterly black and put on all my jewerly. I walk over to my closet. I see tight black leather pants and a purple velvet silky shirt. I put it on and I unbutton four buttons. I put on my boots and I spray my parfume and then I am finished. I am so ready for tonight!

The boy from cruiseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora