chapter 15

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Chapter 15 (Alec's POV)
I walk over to my cabin to go to sleep. When I was just about to open the door, I saw someone standing in front of me. It's Izzy "Jezus Iz! You scared the hell out of me!" "Where have you been?!" I knew she would ask me this. "Look Iz, it's night and I really want to sleep right now. I'll talk to you tomorrow okay?" "Okay but if you don't...." and she gave me a fake strict look. I walk over to the bathroom to put on some pyjama's and brush my teeth and than I go to sleep.
Next morning (Magnus' POV)
I woke up with an amazing feeling. I got dressed quickly. I am so excited to see Alexander again today. My secret boyfriend. At least for now... "hey Mags, goodmorning" "biscuit! How are things going between you and Jace?" "Really good! We are going on a date tonight. But everytime we are together I act weird" "let me help you get ready for tonight" "sorry but my new friend,Isabel, is already helping me. She is his sister. We are going shopping in some place in Italy. You can join us if you want to?" maybe Alexander is also coming. "Yes. That sounds like fun. I only have to work the morning. Oh, and are there more people coming?" Please say alec. Please. "No..." and there goes away my hope. "Oh wait. Her other brother Alec is also coming. Is that OK?" Is that OK?! That is amazing! "Ohw yea" "okay see you later than"
Later when they have to get on the bus...
Alec and I barely talked. We both shared some stares sometimes but that was it. Izzy walks over to me. "Magnus has to sit next to Alec" and she pushes me on the seat next to him. She wispered something in my ear"I see you like him and he likes you so go get him" she winkes at me. I turn around now facing Alec. "What did she told you?" "Nothing. I missed you Alexander. I had a wonderful night last night" "me too. Oh and by the way, you still owe me that drink so I thoight that maybe...well only if you want to we could uhmmm..go drink something together" his cheeks turns red. "Only if you want to ofc. I totally understand if you do...."He looks down to his knees. I grab his shaky hand. "I'd love that Alexander." He looks up and smiles. "Hey guys you want to join us with playing a game? Truth or dare maybe?" Well since we have to sit here 3 hours in this bus, I don't think it's a bad idea. "I do" I look at Alec. "Me too" he says. Clary starts. "Okay, first queation is for Magnus. Truth or dare" "truth" "okay I will be nice this time. But after this one not anymore... what is something you are always having in your pockets?" "Well that's an easy one. Glitters ofc!" Everyone laughes. "Well truth or dare..... Alexander".
(Alec's POV)
Oh no. Please let it be a nice one. I don't like this game at all. "Uhm truth..." "well, what about yourself do you like the most and what do you not like at all?" "I don't know what I like the most about myself, but I am not pretty or something so yea....." Magnus' eyes winded. "DON'T SAY THAT! YOU.ARE.THE.PRETTIEST.PERSON.I'VE.EVER.MET! Ohw...s-sorry Alexander I didn't mea..." My cheeks turns dark red. And without thinking I kiss him on the lips. When I realised what I have done I quickly pull back and look embarrest down. "OMGGGGGGG!!! ALEXANDER GIDEON LIGHTWOOD. EXPLAIN TO ME NOW! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?!" I screamed happily. While Clary just had a huge grin. "I-I wanted to but uhmmm....sorry. But please just don't tell mum and dad alright?" "Your secret is safe with me. Besides I already knew kinda... I mean I swear saw Magnus slipping out of your bedroom 3 nights ago" what?! Oh yes. I remember. After some more rounds the bus stopped at a street full with stores. "Thank you, sir" Clary said and payed the man who drove us. Magnus grabbed my hand and I smile at him. "You wanna drink something?" He asks. "Yes, or we could go get some ice cream instead maybe?" "That's even better. I'll pay. Oh and no but!" "but..." "NO buts...." "exept yours." I blushed from what I said myself. He laid his head on my shoulder."You are a sweet man, Alexander. I really like you" "well that's good, cause I like you too. So much." He gave me a quick pack on my sholder. "Say cheese!" Click! Clary took a photo from us. "Ughhh biscuit!" And magnus laughs. "OMG! Look at those shoes! Alec, Magnus, Clary! Come I want to look inside this store!" Izzy drags us to the store. Well I don't think no is an option so I have to go with her. Luckily he's with mags. "Alexander, you got to see this!"

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