chapter 21

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/I listened to the song.. Next to me.. by Imagine Dragons while writing this/

(Magnus' POV)
I felt Alec stare at me. One moment our eyes were locked on each other. I sank in his eyes. Oh gosh I am so in love. Even before I knew we stood in front of each other. Raphael turned on the song...Next to me. We held our stares and we slowly pulled each other closer. He laid his hand on my hips. I shivered from the feeling he gave me. I put my arms around his neck still staring in his eyes. He came closer and laid his head against mine. We both close our eyes, enjoying the moment. We swinged along with the music... It is a wonderful feeling. Something I haven't felt in such a long time.
(Alec's POV)
This song perfectly tells how I feel an what I am thinking. It is true, even with all that happened, Magnus is still there next to me. "Mags, I love you..." I feel a tear from Magnus on my cheek. He smiles the most beautiful sweet smile everyone could ever experience. "I love you too... so much" he barely whispered, but I heard him. We kissed again. But this time it even felt more powerful, like I could feel all the energie between us. It makes me shiver. We both gave each other a sweet hug and I laid my head against his, smelling his perfect hair. 'Is this really my boyfriend?' is the only question I ask myself together with 'Is this true, maybe it is all just a dream' But it was true. The most wonderful, sweet, smart, handsome, sexy and kind person was standing in front of me. Our bodies still pressed against each other, humming along with the song. The song ended and we all looked at each other. Being so happy to be here. "I love you guys" Izzy said while hugging Simon. "Yea we love you too" we almost said together at once. "Thank god I found you" Magnus said giving me little pecks on my shoulder. I chuckle a little. "Are you a believer?" I ask him. "No, not specifically in Jesus or God, but I do believe in miracles and in finding true love. Like you, Alexander Gideon Lightwood" "I love you you know that? And by the way, how did you ever get my full name Gideon?" "Maybe I did some research on you?" Magnus said innocent pointing with his finger on my chest. "How much that I love to see you two so happy together, I am quite tired so I go to sleep" Ragnor said. We all headed back to our cabins. Magnus walked me to mine and kissed me goodbye. "Sweet dreams, Alexander" "Goodnight, Mags" I gave him one last kiss and than I go to sleep. I think about Magnus his perfectly shaped lips on mine... his muscled body against mine and our dancing tongues. With all these thoughts I fell into a long deep sleep....

Yaaayyyy finally a new one🤣 Please comment what you think!👇🏽😜❤

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