chapter 6

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Chapter 6 (magnus' POV)
The footsteps come closer and closer. What if the man is angry with me? "Uhm, hi?" I look up to the direction where the voice came from. And there he stood. My eyes met with two beautiful hazel eyes from that precious man. The man was tall, beautiful shaped body and he had a pale skin which perfectly matched with his messy raven hair. He was stunning. When I realised that I was starring at the man, I blushed. Oh no... I-BLUSHED. Magnus Bane was blushing?! I could sense that he was getting unconfortable with the situation. So I spoke to appologise. "Hi... I'm so so so sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel unconfortable, I'm truely sorry. I am Magnus by the way. Who are you?" Now I stand up to shake the man's hand. "Oh-yea... It-It's alright. Iguess" he stuttered. He cheeks became red. There was something special about this shy boy. I could feel it. I think I kinda like him? Well first I need to know if he's even intrested. "And the name of this pretty boy is?" By that the boy blushed. And his face became red again. He stuttered "A-Alec..." Well he is inyrested I assume. "Alec comes from Alexander...Am I right?" "Oh.. ye-yes..." there was a long silence. I noticed the guy's unsteady breaths.
(Alec's POV) /song: recover by ruelle/
I look to the asian boy with tje chocolate brown eyes and the black glittery eyeliner around them. He has perfect shaped hair with a dark red string in it. I don't know what to do. This guy is stunning. So I panicked. But I didn't want to ruin the moment. Like I always do in this kind of situations. My breath becomes heavier. I need to do something. Now. So I run away. Shit! I run trough ghe firts door I see. It seems to be a restaurant. Happily it was empty. I let myself fall down on the ground. I'm shaking. And there it comes again. That stupid voice in my head which tells me I can't do anything and that no one will ever truely loves me. I try so hard to ignore it, but I just can't do it. Why? Stupid anxiety. People don't get it. They feel sorry. My parents sometimes say that it is just something in my head. I know they are right. That it is true. But it still feels so real. What must he think of me? 'You are disgusting Alec!' The voice in my head spoke again. 'Thinking of a boy like that. Ehat would your parents think of you?' It is all to much for me. So I'm looking for a knife. I grab it. And yes. I started to cut my leg....again.

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