chapter 22

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(Magnus' POV)
The next day I woke up. I look at my alarm, still thinking about Alexander, and than it hits me... FCK I AM 3 HOURS LATE! I quickly put on my clothes and hurry to the main hall. And as I expected, Camille was there... "Give me one GOOD reason why you are this late, mr BANE!" Camille said. I didn't know what to say "I-I uhhh... I.." "JEEZ! One more time and you're done!"
(Alec's POV)
We were now all sitting at the table for breakfast. I saw Simon and Izzy holding hands and I felt kinda jealous... not of one of them, but just the fact the they are able to hold each other's hand in public. Just when I am thinking about it, I hear the song 'I want to hold your hand' from the Beatles.
I decide to go and get some coffee. I am thinking about how lovely it would be if Mags and I could have breakfast together. And that I why I am considering to tell my parents about me and Magnus. But first my coffee;)
Tonight there is a big show in the theater on the boat and Max really wanted to go see it so I thought, why not? Iz, Si and my parents are also there... but Mags is as well. This might be the perfect time to finally tell them. I feel ready for it. Though I feel nervous about it al...I want to be with Mags. I love him and I hope my parents will accept me.
"OMG Alec look at that! That man is able to eat fire! Woooww" I love to see how happy Max is. A life without worries. When we were all younger than today. But I finally feel better now I have someone.
"Hey, Iz" I whisper to her. "Huh?" "I think I am ready to tell mom and dad about well... everything" she lays her hand on my knee "are you sure about this?" I nod in response. Than I tap on Mags shoulder who is sitting right in front of me. "Can I meet you in the bathroom? I have to tell you something" He looks slightly scared... maybe he thinks I am gonna break up with him or something like that. But he than finally answers me "uh yea yes that's allright" I give him a smile. I stand up to head to the toilets. "Excuse me sir, thank you" And I made it to the toilets. 5 minutes later I see Magnus heading my way. "Hi" he says. "Hey" And he gives me a quick kiss. "So what's up? You wanted to escape? Or make out?" He winks at me. I blush a bit. I feel my nerves shaking at the moment. "Well, actually I wanted to uhmm.. Inform you that I-That I wanted to tell my parents about us"

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