chapter 9

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Chapter 9 (Magnus' POV)
Song: Remains by Algiers
I don't know why I'm telling this to this boy, but somehow it feels okay to tell him. Actually exept from Ragnor, Raph, Cat and Camille is there no one who knows this story. I continue telling"I needed to be a soldier in the army. Just like every other guy else. But someday, there was this girl named Madzie. She was sweet, beautiful and had done nothing wrong. They told me that I had to kill her. Those awful people"
"But why? She didn't do anything wrong! She's just -she is just a kid! You can't do that, you monster!" I scream at the man standing right over me while I'm crying. How could someone kill an innocent young sweet kid? They are all monsters. "Watch your mounth sir! Otherwise you'll end up like the rest! And with that I mean dead!" "Y-Yes sir" I say crying. "And stop f*cking crying. Only baby's and gay men cries. Not a soldier! Now go do your job. Otherwise you know the consequenses young man. So get yourself together!" I can't stop the sobbing. The three men walked out. Now it was just me, the little girl and a gun. "Please, sir. Don't hurt me. I'm innocent. These men took my family ans now they want to hurt me. You have to believe me. Please help me. Please..." the little high sweet voice from the girl begged me. I don't know what to do. But I need to help her. That's for sure. I drop down the gun and I free her from the chains. Luckily I knew a way out through the air cabins. We need to hurry. Ones were outside I run over to the woods. We stopped somewhere safe. "What's your name, sweet pea?" "Madzie" she said a bit shy and silent, but hard enough for me to hear her. "What a beatiful name you have, Madzie. My name is Magnus. Do you have any relatives to go to?" "Your name is nice as well. And no. I have no one anymore. They took them from me." And she started crying. "Shhhh, It's okay. You're here now with me. And it's safe. I promise nothing bad will happen to you ever again. You can stay with my sister Catherina. She's verry sweet as well. Juwt like you. And very carying and welcoming. And the best of all...she bakes the best chocolate chip cookies. Does that sounds goid to you?" "Yes"..
"I couldn't kill her. So I brought her to Caterina's. Now she's safe. Happily I could safe sweet pea. But I couldn't safe my parents. Ones I came back to the camp, the man was really angry with me because of what I've done. So he locked me up. They tortured me for weeks" by this all the bad memories came back to my mind. A few tears were now falling down my cheeks. I feel a hand holdin' mine. It was Alexander's. I smile shy at him. "One day they came to me again. But nit alone. They were with my parents. He said that I deserved a miserable life. He f*cking cut my parents' heads off... I-I didn't want o believe it. Was this really happening?..." I ask myself the queastion again. It still hurts. I can't barely speak. Alexander squises my hand. "He-he let me alone in the woods and there he dropped me with my parents' bodies. I panicked. It was all to much for me. A woman saw mw and helped me. I was ashamed. But she offered my family a safe home in replace for working at this ship here. The woman was boss." I was crying cauae of all the bad I've been through. "Shhhh.... I'm so so so sorry, Magnus" Alec said and hugged me tight.

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