chapter 17

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Chapter 17 (Alec's POV)
He was there. The boy of my dreams was there. Magnus. And I just walked away?! Alec you are so stupid. I am on my way to the pool cause Izzy, Simon, Max and Jace are there too. I try not to think about Magnus, but it's just impossible. I change my clortes in the room and I start searching for the others. "Hey bro! We are here!" Jace was calling me. I run in their direction and I jump into the water. "Where were you?" Max asked me while he smashed a bal right in my face. "Ahh! That hurts!" I said pretenting I was hurt deeply. Max laughed at me. "Cry princess. But where were you all this time, huh? We've been waiting for you" Izzy now spoke. "I was just at the café. Nothing special. Sorry" Izzy looked at me questioning. "what is it?" I ask. "Nothing" she turned around and jumped on Simon's back. "We thought you were with that Magnus guy" Simon said. "Why would you think that?" Now Max said: "you two are reaaaaaaaaaaly close" and he whinked at me. "Never mind. Come let's go from the wild water slide! " and Jace swims as fast as he can towards the slide. Everyone swims as fast as the could, well exept from me and Izzy. "Are you sure you're okay big bro? You seem so sad. Just know that I'll ALWAYS love you so much. No matter if you're into boys or girls. I am here for you" "I know that Iz. And I am thankful for that, but I'm not into boys" she looks at ne with a disapproving look on her face "yes you are" she says as she swims to Simon.
After we were done swiming Simon suggested to eat some fries with each other. Now we were at the bar from the swimingpool. All still in our swimming clothes. I was talking with Max about soccer when I suddenly heard a formiliar voice asking "What do you all want to eat? Or drink of course" I was in shock. I saw that everyone on thw table looked at me. Magnus only now realised that I was there too. I saw the fear in his eyes. His eyes were still red and swollen. I could see he has been crying and that he was now again on the point to cry. And me too. We hold a stare for a moment. Luckily Max broke it. "I would like 5 fries and for me a coke. And I think they can choose their own drinks" I could see Magnus tried so hard not to look at us, me. The whole time he looked down to his noteblock. "For me a milkshake with banana flavour" Izzy said. "And also a coke for me please" Simon said half laughing. Why is he even laughing? ("I think Alec wants to order a cock instead of a coke" Simon whispered in Izzy's ear) Now Izzy was laughing too. "I think I'll take a Sprite, and you Alec?" Jace asked. I swallowed once. "I-I uhmmm. I gu-guess a water....please" I almost whispered. I saw the sad look on Izzy's face again. I am getting so nervous and my hands are trembling. "I go to the toilet. Excuse me" I say quickly and I run off to the toilets. My hands are shaking and my breathing isn't steady again. Fine, a panick attack again. I don't know what to do. I keep trembling. Than I heard someone running towards me. I can't see who it is cause I am only focused on my knees. "Alexander, calm down. Please. I am sorry I let you down. I am so so so sorry. Alexander, it's okay. I am here and I am not angry with you, and neither should you. Please Alec..." After a few minutes I calm down. I was holding Magnus' arm with both of my hands. He had his other arm laid around me. "Magnus I am sorry. It's just, I am afraid" "It's okay. But I just want you to know that everyone will love you. No matter what. And your parents will forgive you one day cause I kniw they love you" I hugged him so thightly. "Sorry..." "Well I think you should go to your siblings. Your food is ready" he smiles. "And Simom" I add. I smile back at him and give him one last hug. "See you tonight?" "Yes I play at the café" and I walk out. When I walk in again I hear the song 'little lion man'. 🎶'And it was not your fault but mine. And it was your heart on the line. I really fucked it up this time, didn't I my dear. Didn't I my dear'🎶 The first thing I think about is Magnus. I am glad he isn't angry with me. Maybe there still is a chance for us. Maybe my parents wouldn't be angry with me.

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