chapter 11

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Chapter 11 (Magnus' POV)
Of course I remember Alec. The guy who stole my heart again in such a long time. How could I forget about him? And a better question... why do I need to help Alec? I thought he didn't want to see me. My eyes where still red from crying. I guess she noticed it. "Why would Alec hurt anyone like you so bad? I'm so sorry, again. But he has anxiety and so he blames himself for everything and he thinks he doesn't deserve true love or happiness. But the way he talks about you warms my heart cause than he's in a whole different world. But it also breaks it cause he thinks he can't have luck. Now he looks damaged. You have to know my parents are very homophobic, so alec is scared to ruin everything. But right now he's just ruining his own life. And I won't let him do that. I can feel that he likes you, like a lot. And I'm scared he'll hurt himself badly again cause he hurt your feelings. You have to talk to him, and than give him some time to come out and accept himself. I know you two just me, but I can feel you two are somehow ment to be. There's this special feeling I can't describe. So please come with me and talk to him. He really needs you" I didn't know what to think or say. I knew that Alec is sensetive. I'm so afraid he'll hurt himself. I'm so shocked that the only thing I could do was noddding. "Okay, come with me" I put my stuff down and I follow her. "Iz! Where are you going? And who is that?" "Ohw simon. Don't worry. This is Magnus. He works here and I need him to fix the uhmmm..microwave. yea. It's broken" I nodded. "Yes I am going to fix it" "okay, but if I find out there is something going on between you two. I swear that you won't be happy. I am Simon by the way. Nice meeting you" what? He really thought I have something with Alec's sister?
We stopped for a door. "Here it is" Izzy said. "Please don't judge him. He's so innocent" "I'll never do that" I knock on the door. No response. I knock again. "Jace, Max? Is that you?" I heard a hoarse voice. I get goosebumbs. "No it's Izzy. Open the door please" Now Izzy walked away. And there I stood. I didn't know what to say or do when he opens the door. I could hear his footsteps coming closer. The door unlocked and opened. His hair was messy and his eyes were red and he wore his pyjama's. He looked adorable and shocked. "Magnus, what are you doing here? And how do you know my room number?"
(Alec'a POV)
I open the door and there he stood. Magnus. I was shocked. "Magnus, what are you doing here? And how do you know my room number?" "Your sister..." ofc it was Izzy. Who else? "Can I come in...please?" He asks. Should I say yes? What if I mess everything up? Like I always do. "Uhmm..yea" I scrached my neck and stepped aside so he could enter. I clise the door and licked my lips. I was getting nervous. "I am sorry for interrupt you, but I have to tell you something" "take a seat, and talk" we are both sitting on my bed. "Okay, Alexander. I understand you can't come out yet. I don't mind that...okay? I like you. I truely do. You teared down my walls. And I won't let you go away so easely. You're special to me. And I'm sorry about the kiss, please forgive me. Although I know you liked it as well. And I won't give up on you. And I kniw you won't either" From both our faces there came some tears. He's true. I like him too. I never felt something like this before. My mind was a total mess. I grab him by his shoulders and I press my lips agaings his. He kissed me back without hesitation. My heart was abou to explode. The only thing I could think about now was his soft lips against mine. They fitted perfect. It was like it was ment to be this way. For a moment I forgot everyrhing around me, all my worries...everything. It was just me and him. He asked for my permission and I open my mounth to let his tongue in. He grabbed my neck to deepend the kiss. Once we stopped to catch our breaths we leaned our forheads together. "This is just a friend kissing a friend. Nothing special. I don't feel anything for you. I'm still straight ya know?" "Ofc, if you do believe so" And he chuckles a bit. His laugh is so sweet. I am so tired of today. I lay down again. "I should go. Sweet dreams Alexander" And he kisses my forehead. I feel a bit sad and dissapointed. I don't want him to go. "No. Stay for a while...please" He smiles a adorable cute smile at me. And he takes off his shoes and lays down next to me. I lay my head on his stomach. "This is still just something between friends. So don't think to much of it" and I close my eyes. "I know. But I also know you don't really feel like that, Alexander" and he carefully stroked my hair. I feel so safe and happy when I'm around him. Like I can face the dawn. It's a stange but good feeling. A beautiful feeling. With this I fall asleep.
(Magnus' POV)
Alec was fallen asleep. When I was just about to leave, I heared the door opening. F*ck!

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