Chapter Six

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Draco woke up with a groan, burying his face into a pillow to hide from the harsh sun rays that streamed through the open window. He closed his eyes again before catching a whiff of the pillow. His eyes flashed open and he practically catapulted himself off the bed, wincing as he hit his elbow on the night table.

‘Why the fuck was I on his bed?’ He pulled himself to his feet, internally freaking out. And where was Harry? Wait since when did he think of him as Harry?


Harry woke up to the sound of a wailing toddler. He hurried into Teddy’s room, picking the child up. Rocking Teddy in his arms, he examined the child, trying to see what had caused him to start crying. To his surprise, an owl was sitting on the open windowsill. He swore softly, adjusting Teddy onto his hip and untying the letter from the owl’s leg. The owl took off the second the message was taken.


“So you’re telling me that the window was open and this note was there?”

“It was with this owl. Malfoy, I know that the window was closed last night. How the hell did someone manage to open it? There are wards keeping everyone but us from entering without triggering an alarm.”

Draco turned over the letter in his hand. It was written on heavy parchment in dark red ink. “This is as ominous as fuck. Are you sure that there weren’t any hexes?”

“I tried every curse revealing charm I know. Do you think that we should wait until Hermione gets here? I’m sure that she will know more spells.”

Draco shook his head and started to pick at the wax seal. “We might as well see what it is.”

Teddy was happily playing in his playpen, his chubby fingers pushing the colorful beads on the wire. His hair and eyes were dark brown. Neither of the boys were paying attention as he curiously started crawling towards the window. He stopped short at the bars of the playpen, watching the outside.

“Do you have any idea how dangerous it is to just open up random letters like that?”

“Says you Harry go-fight-a-three-headed-dog-as-a-first-year Potter.”

‘I regret telling you about that.”

Draco slowly opened the letter, pulling out the paper inside. “Holy shit.” He dropped it once he finished reading, sliding it over to Harry.

“His eyes are as green as a killing curse, his eyes as dark as the mark. We wish he was dead, he fills us with dread, the ‘hero’ that vanquished the Dark Lord.” He flinched and put down the letter as well. It was a twisted version of the Valentine Ginny had once sent him.

“Who could have written this? It has to be a death eater.” Draco said, subconsciously rubbing the inside of his left forearm. “And someone who was a student while you got that message on Valentine’s day.”

“Yeah. We know there are people from our school that joined the death eaters. Which means you might be able to help us out.”

Draco flinched again, his grip tightening on his arm. Harry was still studying the note, oblivious to the pain that he had just caused the blond.

“And once we can get Hermione over, she might be able to help us figure out what happened to the wards.”

“If someone got through the wards then I should probably go strengthen them.” Draco snapped, hurrying out of the room before Harry could say anything to him. Harry watched Draco leave, stunned. Why had he been in such a hurry?

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