Chapter Twenty-Two

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"Does this look good?"

"For the last time Draco. Everything you have tried on so far looks excellent on you."

"The purple shirt made me look fat."

"You aren't fat. C'mon Draco. You look amazing." He grabbed Draco's hand, dragging him away from the mirror. Draco hissed and swatted at his hand.

"No." Harry grabbed his wrist before he could hit him.

"Harry let gooooo. I look like a muggle and it's humiliating."

"No you don't. Muggles don't look this cute. Kitten."

Draco rolled his eyes. He was used to Harry calling him kitten by now. It had been two days since they had kissed. They had been both sweet and rough.


Draco hissed and dropped the piece of bread he had been holding. His hand was bright red. "Harry?"


"Why the hell is a piece of cold bread burning my hand."

Harry had fetched the neko book and was laughing by the time he reached the kitchen.

"I have to allow you to eat or feed you until you can do it on your own without burning yourself."

"Fuck my life. Up the ass. With a chainsaw dildo."


Draco sighed and gave up struggling, letting Harry lead him. "I'm not looking forward to this. You should have asked my consent before you did this. Because I don't think I'm going to enjoy this. It's a muggle fair. You want me to go to something that I have never even heard of. You better be making this up to me later on. Like dessert. Or helping me with that potion that I have been working on."

"Stop bitching." Harry said with a laugh, tugging him closer. "You're going to love it. Really."

Draco rolled his eyes but fell silent. "This is our first date. It bet-"

The door opened, banging against the wall and leaving a rather sizeable dent. Harry and Draco both whipped out their wands, standing defensively, ready to defend themselves. Hermione and Ron rushed in, closing the door behind them and locking it. Ron was holding Teddy tightly against his chest. The toddler was wailing and thrashing. Hermione started placing wards on the door.

"What the hell is going on?" Draco moved forwards, taking Teddy from a very grateful Ron. He shushed the toddler whose hair was an angry red and bounced him gently, starting to calm him down.

Hermione turned, giving Draco a nervous look. Draco frowned. "Out with it Granger. What's going on?"

"Draco... you might want to sit down."

Draco frowned and handed Teddy to Harry. Teddy instantly started throwing a fit. Harry got to work calming the kid down. Draco sat down in one of the comfy chairs at the breakfast table, looking towards Harry nervously.

"Well, I am just going to prep you by saying that this is bad news. But there is good news to it as well." Ron said. Harry recognized that tone. It was the same tone he had when he told Harry that his broom was broken. It was the same tone Hermione had when she had told him that his wand was broken.

"Can you just fucking say it?" Draco snapped, his tail twitching angrily.

"Lucius is dead."

Draco flinched and swallowed hard.


"Mom." His voice cracked, his ears lowering sadly. His tail drooped and he instinctively grabbed onto his left forearm.

Harry hurriedly passed Teddy to Hermione. He enveloped Draco in a hug, holding him tightly. Draco squeezed his eyes shut and took a deep breath. He wasn't going to cry.

"You said there was good news. What was the good news?" His voice was shaky and quiet.

"They got a picture of the killer. And we have it."

Special call out to Slytherinyaoiaddict for your comments!

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