Chapter Twenty

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Draco woke up, nuzzling more into the pillow. An odd sense of deja vu came over his as he opened his eyes. Something was off. Where was Harry? He rolled over onto his back, yelping when pain shot from his tail up his spine. Carefully removing himself from his tail, he sat up. Rain was gently spattering at the window. Shuddering from the cold, he pulled him blanket closer.

After a second’s hesitation, he was alert. Where was Harry? He listened carefully, trying to see if someone was moving around, When he heard nothing, he grabbed his wand and stepped down, wincing. The floor was freezing cold. He frowned, seeing the note.

:Going out. Be back soon.:

A heavy feeling of dread and hurt spread over him as he read the note again. Of course. It had to be over. He had expected this, trying to keep himself distant. But, as usual, stupid Potter had made it impossible to stay away. And now he was going to be making a fool out of himself. All for a one night stand.

Was it even a one night stand if it was just kissing?

No. It didn’t even mean enough to him to be a one night stand. He thought. Potter probably just thought that it was the best way to ‘help’ me. Potter and his hero complex.

The rational side of his mind knew that he was being paranoid. That Harry had probably just gone on a walk or to go see Hermione and Ron. But the sting on his lip, Harry’s scent all over him, and the bluntness of the note were making that irrational side take the reins.

He rubbed his eyes tiredly. He could take this. It hurt like hell but he knew something like this was going to happen. He entered the bathroom, hopping into the shower. The warmth relaxed him slightly as he tipped his head back, closing his eyes.

“You’re being irrational. Can’t you just wait before you make assumptions? At least get clarification from him before you freak out. You don’t actually know that he regrets kis- …..last night.”

He stood in the stream of water, the silence stretching on as he stared at himself in the mirror through the glass door of the shower.

“I’m talking to myself. In a shower.” He rolled his eyes at himself and stepped out of the shower. He turned to grab his towel and mentally facepalmed. Of course it wasn’t there. Sighing, he went over to the cupboard and snatched a towel. His day couldn’t get any worse.

The fucking towel was bright red and gold.

Toweling off his body, his tail and ears, he got dressed in a t-shirt and sweats. Harry had demanded that he get them when they went shopping. He frowned and adjusted uncomfortably. The sweats were annoyingly tight on his tail. He pulled them off, using his claws to tear a small hole in the back. Pulling them back on, he slowly put his tail through the hole. It was much more comfortable.

The library was silent other than the soft drum of the rain on the windows. Grabbing the book on nekos, he wandered through the library. It was the largest room in the house. His grandfather had designed this vacation house himself.

The bookcase swung open as he pushed hard on it, revealing a small space. These little hideaways were everywhere. He pushed the bookcase back into place and sat down. When they had moved in, he had the cold stone covered with a thick carpet. The walls were fabricated and cushioned. The entire room was charmed with a heating charm and done up in dark blues, silvers, and varying shades of green. Blankets and pillows littered the walls. The lights were dim but thanks to his ‘cat vision,’ he could see perfectly fine.

He sat against the wall and opened the book to the first page, starting to read.

And he was definitely not thinking about Harry Potter.

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