Chapter Thirty-Four

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It took a while to get Draco and Ron to be even in the same room together. In the end, Harry and Hermione had just given up and made plans on their own.

“Well, we can go to the nearest wizarding town and get an owl. That way we can tell Neville what is going on.”

“Using an owl is risky. We don’t know if Wardell has… well, if he has enough death eaters at his disposal, he could have already attacked and taken hold of Hogwarts.” Hermione winced, hating the suggestion. Harry seemed just as hurt by her suggestion.

“Then our first move would have to be going to get the Weasley’s.”

“Actually, our first move is going to have to be getting me registered.” Both Harry and Hermione jumped. They hadn’t noticed Draco creep into the living room. He was sitting in front of the fireplace, the colors from the fire making his hair, ears, and tail have a pinkish look. “By the wizarding law, I can get in a lot of trouble for being an unregistered magical creature. And by a lot of trouble, I mean that I could be imprisoned in the ministry’s detainment cells until I’m registered. Which, when registered by the ministry, could take several months. And with Wardell around, he could easily get ahold of me when I am in that cell.”

Harry and Hermione looked at each other. This definitely would cause more trouble. The press would go insane if Draco showed up at the ministry to get registered. Especially if he showed up with any one of them.

“There is an easier way to get registered. Creatures with the same intellect as a wizard can get registered at Gringotts. It’s not going to be easy to hide from the press but there we have the fastest chance at me being registered quickly.” He stretched out in front of the fire like… well… a huge cat.

“We really don’t have a choice. It isn’t just the chance of Wardell getting to you while you are in the cell. Separating you from Harry could be fatal.”

Draco frowned and sat back up. Harry shook his head. “There wasn’t anything that I read in the book about nekos being separated from their mates other than they don’t like it.”

“It isn’t in the book. But if Draco still can’t feed himself.”

“And I still haven’t found out how to not be so submissive. I can very easily be claimed. I am also quite the catch.”

Hermione understood, wincing at what he was implying.

“Then we have to get you registered as soon as possible. Hermione, someone is going to have to take him to Gringotts.”

Draco looked down. He hated the thought of that. When they talked about him like he wasn’t even in the room. That he was something that they could just toss around. He wasn’t sure if that was the neko in him that was thinking that or those were his actual thoughts. But it was getting even harder for him to find the differences between the two.

“Well you can’t take him. The press would have a field day. Hey Draco? Do you mind if I take you?”

Draco blinked and looked up. He hadn’t expected for someone to actually pay attention to him. Something was really wrong. “Yeah. It’s probably for the best. I- um. I’m going to go lay down for a little while.” He stood up and quickly left the room.

Harry looked to Hermione for permission. She nodded and went back to making their plans. He hurried after Draco.

Something was wrong with him. And he needed to know what it was.

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