Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Draco brushed his hair the best he could without nicking his ears. Harry was still asleep. It had been hell trying to drag himself out of bed but he knew that it would be better to have gotten ready and prepared to go by the time everyone else was up. He had already checked on Teddy who was sleeping peacefully when he tiptoed into the room.

Finally satisfied with how his hair was looking, he made his way to the kitchen. “Morning Granger.”

Hermione smiled at him and placed a mug of coffee onto the counter for him to sip. He frowned, prodding the cup and wincing when a burn instantly bloomed on his fingertip. “Dammit.”

“Sorry Draco. I forgot about that.”

“It’s alright.” He ignored the cup and started healing the little burn on his finger. “So, when are we going to leave? It’s really early so not a lot of people will be there and well… I think I am really easy to spot.” His tail twitching in irritation as he said that, as if reminding them of the change he had gone through.

“I think that we should talk to Harry and Ron before we leave. Run through the plan one more time and make sure that everything is going to go right. Not that it ever does but actually having a plan might make things easier.”

“We’re just going to Gringotts Granger. It’s hard for something to go wrong at Gringotts.”

“Malfoy do you just not remember the time Harry, Ron, and I flew on a Dragon out the window?”

“That was one time. Name another time.”

Hermione rolled her eyes. “I think that Harry is going to want to say good bye.”

“It’s not like I’m never coming back Hermione. Wardell said that he needed me alive so he isn’t going to kill me.”

“You just called me by my actual name.” Hermione looked at him in surprise. Draco rolled his eys and blushed slightly, looking away.

“Don’t get used to it.”

Hermione laughed at him and took the coffee, drinking it herself. The warmth from the drink was definitely needed in the cold kitchen.

“I don’t think that we should wait until they wake up. Every minute that we spend arguing about this is another minute that we can be using to get me registered. And another minute closer to getting some more people to fight and stopping all this shit.”

Hermione sighed and put the coffee down. “Fine. Write a note to them. I’m going to go get dressed.”

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