Chapter 8. Overly Protective Brothers.

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I've been here a week and boys have a new training technique: bullying me. And apparently I can't talk to some of the guys and now I'm staying at Thomas place. That's so weird, his place is full of toys.

"OMG LISA PURCHASED NEW LEGOS!" Thomas screams. I don't understand how Lisa can live with him. He basically is an 8 year old trapped in 24 year old man. It's so funny to hear them fight.

"Thomas, it's bedtime!" Lisa calls.

"NO!" Thomas screams.

"Well, no pancakes tomorrow morning. You have to choose: pancakes or Legos." Lisa says.



"Alright team, tomorrow we'll ride to Netherlands. We can beat them, don't worry." Jogi says.

I can't see my "Overly Protective Brothers" anywhere and Toni starts talking to me: "Hey, let's sit together in the bus, okay?"

"Okay," I smile.


The bus is here. The doors open and I'm the first one to get on. I sat next to the window and the seat next to me is free. I was hoping that Toni will sit next to me, but suprise, suprise! Who sits next to me? My Overly Protective Brother, Poldi. He sees that I'm disappointed and he asks: "Did you wanted to sit with someone else?"

"Actually, yes." I say.

"Well, who do you wanna sit with? Schweini or Thomas?" He starts laughing.

"I thought we'll sit together." Toni asks.

"Me too, but someone assigned them to watch over me." I say.

"Your brother?" He asks.

"My brother." I answer.

"OMG HOW DID YOU KNOW?" Basti starts screaming. He and Thomas are sitting behind me.

"I'm not that dumb, Basti."

Several hours later, we arrive in Amsterdam. Oh Boy.

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