Chapter 23. "Accidentally".

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We arrive at the parking lot. Thomas parks next to Erik and "accidentally" breaks his side mirror. I've never seen him that mad. "You okay, Thomas?" I ask. I don't get an answer. We go to the field and Erik is warming up there.

"What the fuck, dickhead?" Thomas goes up to Erik and pushes him. Erik, who is still tired as fuck, is pretty confused. "What?" He asks with a sleepy voice.

"Why did you sent her this message?" Thomas asks and points at me. Great.

"She told you? Look, Thomas, it's none of your business, okay? It's something between me and her," Erik states. Wow. First time I see him talking like an adult.

"No, no and no. I'm not gonna leave it like this. You need to apologize in front of her," Thomas says with a serious voice.

"Ohh, I think she is the one who should apologize," Erik shows his machoness.

"Guys!" I shout. "Please, stop!"

"No!" They both scream at the same time. And it goes on and on. If something doesn't happen, they'll eventually start fighting.

It's been going for about 5 minutes now. Finally, Julian comes and saves me. "Whoaa, guys, what the fuck are you doing?"

"He started it," Erik states. Wow. Like kindergarten.

"Erik, please leave us alone," Julian says. and Erik goes away. "Thomas. How do I put this? Look, Erik is acting like a 10 year old. And what do 10 year olds do when they like someone? Ten year old boy bullies a girl that he likes. Pulls her hair, sometimes even hits. That boy only wants attention and that boy is Erik. Erik wants Alissa's attention. You understand me?"

"So what you're trying to tell me is that Erik likes Alissa?" Thomas asks.

"Yes! Can't you see?" Julian says.

"But that is so stupid, why would he do this?" Thomas asks.

"Well, you see, Erik is not the brightest person and he's not very romantic," Julian explains.

"Oh, I see," Thomas says. They start warming up.

"Hey there, pretty face," I hear a voice next to me. "Please tell me that you're free tomorrow," Marco asks.

"You are in luck, my dear friend," I answer. Finally! When he asked me out before, I always needed something to do, but now, I'm free!

"You like animals, right?" He asks.

"Of course, silly! I love animals!" I state.

"I'll come pick you up 1.p.m., is that okay?" Marco asks.

"No! I mean, I think it would be better if I come to your place," I say, because I don't want that Manuel  thingy happen again.

"Whatever you want," he smiles and goes away.

Wow. Erik is really grumpy today. In every five minutes, Jogi has to scream his name because he "accidentally" pushed or tackled someone. "Erik! What the hell are you doing?!" Coach yells.

Suddenly, my phone is making noises. 1 message. From Felix. "So, you coming today?" It says.

I answer. "Yes." I get back a smiley face. He is adorable.

I start playing with my phone and I almost drop it, because Jogi is yelling at Erik. Again. "Erik! You need to calm down! Come here and sit!" And Erik comes and sits. Next to me. Yay.

"Someone needs to hold their shit together, right?" I mock.

"Oh, look who's talking, the I'm-so-perfect-everybody-loves-me-I'm-stupid," he snaps.

"Erik, come on. Who are you fooling? Please, stop being a jerk, I know you're not one," I say to him.

"Erik come on, who are you fooling? Please stop being a jerk, I know you're not one," Erik mimics me. Oh. My. God.

"Wow, really mature. How old are you? 10?" I ask and he mimics me again. Okay, Alissa, think. "My name is Erik and I love Alissa!" I say. That might help.

"My name is Erik and I lo... Fuck it, you won or whatever," he pouters.

"C'mon, Erik, just try to act normal," I say.

"You know what?" Long and awkward pause. "Fine. But I still don't like you," he states.

"Lies!" Julian shouts over the field. Omg, how loud did we talk? And then, we both shut up and everything is super awkward.

Finally, after long hours of my torturing, the training is over. I'm going to Toni's place, but Toni said he'll go out with his friends. That means that Felix and I are going to be alone. Oh boy.


I'm so sorry, that I haven't updated for awhile. I've been so busy lately. You know what? My mom is the best! She got me a Bayern München jersey! It's amazing!

Don't forget to vote & comment! I love you all!

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