26 - Megan: Last October

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Megan felt awful in the morning. She was only sick a few times, but she started her day by eating crackers before she even got out of bed. She would try to get down some toast before leaving for school. By lunch, she felt better and was famished.

Karen commented on her new habit of eating school lunches. She tried to explain the kids were too, and it was just easier in the morning. She wondered if Karen was suspicious, but really she had no reason to be. Megan hadn't even told her about Evan.

Evan would have still been working at the Inn. After the next weekend, they shuttered all the seasonal businesses until the spring. The leaves were changing. The color pallets of the foliage would peak in a few weeks. Then the leaves would fall, and the long winter of barren trees would begin.

If Evan was still here would she tell him? She didn't think so. He didn't like kids. She could text him, but what would that solve? He wouldn't leave his dream job when he never intended to settle down. She didn't want a relationship, and he didn't want a child.

Although she shared the twins, she wouldn't have to share this baby. Nick and Sophie loved their father, and he was a wonderful parent. Lately she had been having ill feelings because she felt like they were being shared with more than just Peter. She was hearing about Victoria constantly. She did not know why this upset her. She told herself she wasn't jealous of Peter. It was this woman's influence on her children that bothered her and she needed to talk to Peter. She couldn't just say, since you know I'm pregnant, who's this woman you're with?

Time had helped her state of mind considerably. She had reached a point of acceptance. Gone were the days of uncontrollable tears. Her next big hurdle was to tell Kristi. For a month only she and Peter knew.

Kristi suggested at the bus stop on Friday that they go for coffee the next morning. "Come over instead. You can bring a coffee from The Landing. I know you love it."

Megan needed to figure out how to get the words out. Kristi kept commenting that she didn't seem her normal self.

"Are you going to tell me what's made you so distracted lately?" Kristi asked, the minute she crossed the threshold.

"Good morning to you too."

"Seriously, if I didn't know better, I would think you were pining over your bartender."

"Definitely not pining, but he has crossed my mind lately."

"You can tell me. Was the sex that good?"

Megan's initial thought was no, but it served the purpose for what God intended.

"It was effective."

"Effective! That's how you describe a stain remover!"

"Well it was effective, because apparently my birth control wasn't." She buried her face in her hands.

"What! No! Oh my God! No wonder you've been in a state!" Kristi was practically yelling. "What are you going to do?"

"There's nothing I can do, but accept it." Megan sat up with her shoulders back.

"Have you accepted it?"

"I don't cry everyday anymore."

"You've been dealing with this alone. Have you told anyone else?"

"Just Peter."

"Peter! Why Peter?"

"He saw me crying."

"Are you feeling okay?"

"A little off in the morning, but it's nothing like with the twins. I was brutally sick with them." Peter had freaked out that something was wrong.

"Oh Lord, what's your mother going to say?" Kristi brought up the one thing that Megan was truly dreading.

"Could I just avoid her for the next eighteen years? Does she have to know?"

"You know, as well as I do there are no secrets on The Point. Did you ever find out how she found out about Evan?"

Megan shook her head. She was glad that Kristi finally knew. She had been isolating herself.

For the first time, Kristi asked, "Are you going to tell Evan?"

For the first of many, Megan told her no.

Wanting to change the subject she remembered her surprise meeting at school. "I have something else to tell you. Something very interesting."

Megan started. She told Kristi that she was sitting at her desk during lunch and a student she didn't know came into her room. When she looked up, she saw a young girl with hair redder than hers and a big smile.

The student said, "I have been meaning to stop in to meet you." Megan explained how she looked at her strangely unsure why she wanted to meet her and then the student said, "Oh I guess you don't know who I am. I live downstairs from Pet... err and I watch Nick and Sophie for him sometimes when he has to go into work, but mostly I hang out with them, because um..." Megan spoke up and helped her out by saying Peter. She smiled. "Peter and my dad are friends. They watch sports together and stuff. Anyway, I just wanted to meet you. I hoped that I would get you this year for American History, but I didn't obviously. But if you ever need a babysitter, I could watch them. I drive so I can come to your house."

Megan felt sorry for the poor rambling girl and asked her name.

Megan looked at Kristi and smiled. "You'll never guess what she said!"



Kristi laughed so hard she almost fell out of her chair. "So Victoria that we thought he was dating is really a high school student who plays with your kids!"


"I could never bring it up with Dan. He gets mad anytime I try to get information about Peter from him. Can you give me her number? I could use a babysitter?"

Megan wasn't sure why she was so relieved when she realized that Victoria was not some hot woman that Peter was dating. She told herself she was just concerned for her kids.

Do you believe her?

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