38 - Peter: Last November

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What started as a good day ended up sucking. He had visions of sitting with her while she ate and telling her things about the day. All day he accumulated a list. Nick liked dark meat. Sophie loved pumpkin pie. He would run with Drew. Liz's kids have grown. Adam was funny, and her mother had no clue the pumpkin pie was not for him.

He arrived home after only terse words. John heard him and opened his door. "Happy Thanksgiving. You want a beer?"


"Bad day?"

"It was good until I dropped the kids off."

"What do you do to keep pissing her off?"

"Exist." Peter was serious.

"Sorry, man."

They sat and drank for a while. Eventually Peter asked John about his Thanksgiving. Not feeling like very good company, he finished his beer and went upstairs.

He sent a text to Megan that he was sorry and stared at his phone waiting for a response. He thought about what he was sorry for; having words with her, that she had a tough day, for walking out the door that night, or maybe because she still refused to talk about it and make peace with herself and him.

When she didn't respond he texted again telling her he didn't want to be angry with her. Her response was the best he would get. She was a master at suppressing her feelings, but occasionally she blew. He suspected she would act like nothing happened when he picked up the twins the next day.

Liz met him at his apartment and announced they needed to wait for Becka. He watched as his sister poked around his home while her husband and children sat on the sofa. She looked at his bookshelves. Growing up with very few books, he had grown into a collector. He liked to own books and often would read them more than once. She looked in his neat room with his bed made. She stood in the door to the twins' room.

Her comments were, "I see you're a minimalist," referring to his decor. "Cute," referring to their room and "Not bad," referring to his updated kitchen. His kitchen was much nicer than the one in Megan's house.

When Becka arrived they all piled into Liz's rental minivan. Adam suggested that Peter drive. Driving over the causeway, Peter had a rush of feeling that he was going home, even after all these years.

Their first stop was The Landing for lunch. He entered like he belonged.

"Look who we have here."

"Hi Rick. We've come for lunch."

"I might have to call Alice down unless you want to come back and help."

"I'll help." He smiled and walked behind the corner. He looked at his family. "Tell me what you want."

Four lobster rolls, one tuna sandwich and one grilled cheese. Peter worked the grill toasting the rolls and the grilled cheese. He looked up when the bell rang, and Dan walked in.

"Gee Rick, you'll let anyone work for you."

"Hey, I'm not working. He's making me make my own lunch."

"How was your day yesterday?" Dan asked Peter.

Determined to put yesterday behind him, he answered, "Fine. Come meet my other sister."

Leaving Rick to finish up, Peter introduced Dan to Liz and her family.

"The kids are down on the beach. I'm getting the newspaper for my father and taking a breather. I remember why we moved away from family. They're driving me and Kris crazy. She may never come back from the beach and I've got to go home."

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