Chapter 2- drop dead

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"Why did you kill him?" Hank asked the android.

Hank is trying to get answers from this deviant that they arrested but so far, he got nothing.

Hank slammed his hands on the table.
"Say something god dammit!" He yelled. The deviant didn't even flinched.

Hank gave up. He got up and head out of the room and went back to the others.

"We're wasting our time interrogating a machine, we're gettin' nothing out of it!" Hank said as he sit down on his chair.

Gavin crossed his arms
"Could always try roughing it up a little. After all, it's not human." He said.

Stone rolled her eyes. Gavin is always saying shit about everything.

"Androids don't feel pain. You would only damage it and it won't make it talk. Deviants also have a tendency to self-destruct when they're in stressful situation." Conner explained.

Gavin sighed quietly in annoyance.
"Okay smartass, what should we do then?" Gavin asked, sounded sarcastically.

"I could try questioning it." Conner said.
Gavin started to laugh.

"Good idea Conner." Stone said.
Gavin looked at Stone, thinking if she's serious or not.

Hank shrugged.
"What do we have to lose? Go ahead, suspects all yours." Hank said.
Conner exit out of the room and entered the room where the deviant is.

He took his seat and looked at the deviant. He analyzed it first. It's damaged on the arms.

His left arm has opened wound from the bat his owner hit him with and his right arm has burn marks caused by cigarettes.

After Conner analyzed the deviant, he started to ask him questions. He first tried to be calm and then he started to pressure him a bit.

But when the deviant said he can't say it......Conner had no other choice.

((Oh god the scary part!))

"You left me no choice." Conner said.
His hand turned white and then he gripped on the deviants arm tightly to probe his memory. The deviant cried in pain.

After Conner probe its memory, his got up from his chair. Before he left, he went up to the deviant.

"I had to know. You left me no choice." He said then before he left the room, the deviant is smashing his head against the table.

The deviant is destroying its self. Stone and the others quickly ran into the room.

"Stop it god dammit!" Gavin told the officer.

((Is that officer Chris? That guy that tried to stop the deviant from destroying it self? If he is then I can go back and fix it))

The officer tried to stop the deviant but it doesn't stop.

"I-I can't! I can't stop it!" He said as he tries again to stop it.

"That's enough. You need to stop that right now!" Conner said.

The officer got his keys and tried to unchain the deviant but......that was a mistake.

The deviant took the officers gun and aimed it at Conner.

"WATCH OUT!" Stone yelled out but the deviant shoot Conner and itself.
They both fell to the ground.

"Holy shit..." Hank said then he looked at Conner, who is dead.
He then noticed Stone's expression. She looked.....horrified.

"Kid? Kid?! Snap out of it!" Hank said as he shakes her shoulders.

Stone only stared at Conner's corpse, she can't look away. Hank manage to get her out of the room.

"You need a ride home?" Hank asked.

Stone didn't say anything but she nodded. She needs a ride home.

Hank took her to his car and drove her back home.
Stone lives in a small house. It looked like a abandoned house but it's just the way it looks.

"We're here kid. Get some rest and take a day off tomorrow, got it?" Hank told Stone.

Stone nodded then she slowly got out of his car and closed the car door.
After Hank drove away, Stone walked into her house.
She laid down on her couch and stared at the ceiling.
She held her head as she cries. She can't get those images out of her head.

She was traumatized on that'll get even worst in the next day.......

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