Chapter 15- dirty bomb

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((With Conner))

Conner exit out of subway train and tried to look for clues to find Jericho.

He's not wearing his outfit anymore because he doesn't want to look suspicious to the deviants. He needs to dress up like one.

He's wearing a dark brown jacket, a black shirt, dark blue jeans and a black beanie.
The black beanie is hiding his LED.

He looked at the clues and head off to find those clues in order to find Jericho.

((With Stone))

Stone is with Markus, Josh, and North.
Things are getting worse for them.

"We're short on blue blood and biocomponents. Our wounded are shutting down and there's nothing we can do!" Josh said.
He's frustrated.

"Humans are conducting raids in all big cities and they're taking androids to camps to destroy them." North said.

Stone didn't say anything. She can't think of what to say now. Not with all this happening.

"It's all our fault....none of this would have happened if we'd just stayed quiet!" Josh said.

Markus looked at Josh.
"All we did was show them who we really are...I don't want war, but I'd rather die free than live as a slave." Markus said.

Stone still didn't say anything.
She's is proud of Markus being proud and everything but.....this is getting way more dangerous and difficult.

"What's the point of being free if no one is left alive?" Josh said.
He's starting to doubt...

"Humans enslaved us! I'll never regret standing up to that." Markus said

"This is getting us nowhere." Josh said.

North stood up.
"He's right. All that matters now is what we do next." Then she looked at Markus.


Markus has to think what he can do now.
"Dialogue. It is the only way....I will go alone, try to talk to them one last time." He said.

"Don't do this Markus. They'll kill you!" North said.

Markus sighed.
"Maybe.....but North, I have to try. If I don't come back, lay low as long as you can." He said.

Josh looked at Markus.
"They need to realize how much they're hurting us. Find the right words and they'll listen." Josh said then he left the room.

Stone looked back at them and then turned away and walked out with Josh.

Markus put his hands on the table.
"Is this what we dreamed of?" He asked.

North sighed.
"They can't stop what we've started. Since you've been here, you've given us've given me hope." She said.

Then she said this....
"Today, a deviant arrived in Jericho and he told me that he stole a truck transporting radioactive cobalt...he said that he abandoned the truck somewhere in Detroit and rigged it to explode. I convinced him not to do it, and to give me the detonator." She said then she showed Markus the detonator.

"A dirty bomb....." Markus said quietly.

"We can't lose this war, Markus. If humans overcome us, our people will disappear forever. This may be our only chance to survive if things go wrong." North said.

Markus refused to take the detonator.

"We shouldn't become like them, North. We can gain our freedom by other means." Markus said.

North sighed.
"I hope you're right..." She said.

Before North leaves the room, she said this.

"Whatever happens tomorrow, I just want you to know that I.......I'm glad I met you." North confesses.

Markus walked up to North. Their hands connected as the skin is gone.
They both kissed.

After they pull away, North said that she'll go join the others.

As she is leaving the room, she looked back at Markus.
"Look after yourself.....I don't wanna lose you." She said then she left.

But as she is heading down......Conner is there. He's hiding underneath the stairs.

He's going to stop Markus.

What will you choose? ((My DBH Fanfic))Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora