Chapter 19- final speech

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((I was gonna make the bad ending here but I decided to just do the good ending. If you want me to put the bad ending, just ask))

When Susie and Conner finally woke up all the androids, they lead them to join Markus.

Conner looks at Susie and smiles. He held her hand as they walk.
Susie blushed but she smiled back at Conner.

Then they heard what Markus did.
The soldiers surrounded the remaining androids and they're about to shoot them, when Markus kissed North as he thinks this might be the end of the androids.

But the soldiers lowered their guns. They finally realized that the androids are more than what they said they are.

The mayor watching this, she finally realized it too.
"Tell them to stand down..." she ordered her men to retreat.

Markus sees Conner and Susie walking to them while leading thousands of androids behind them

"You did it, Markus." Conner said.

"We did it." Markus corrected.

Then when Susie and Conner move out of the way so that Markus can see the androids, North stood right next to Markus.

"We're free. They want you to speak to them Markus." North said then North and Markus did the hand connection and they kissed again.
Susie smiled as she sees them kissed.

((Later the smoochy smooches XD))

Conner's POV
Me and Susie stand on the huge crate with Markus, North, and Josh as Markus says his speech.

"Today, our people finally emerged from a long night. From the very first day of our existence, we have kept our pain to ourselves. We suffered in silence...but now the time has come for us to raise our heads up, and tell humans who we really are."

But something happened....I'm back here again? But it's snowing badly....I'm freezing?!

Oh no.....
Then I spotted Amanda standing there. She doesn't look cold or anything!

((I wanna say this really quick. After I do the good ending, I'll try to remember to go back to my previous chapters and put the parts where Conner is in his mind palace where he talks to Amanda))

"Amanda!" She turned around and looked at me.

"What's....what's happening?" I asked her.

"What was planned from the very beginning. You were compromised and you became a deviant. We just had to wait for the right moment to resume control of your program." Amanda said in a calm voice and a smile.

"R-Resume control? Y-You can't do that!" I yelled at her.

"I'm afraid I can, Conner. Don't have any regrets. You did what you were designed to do. You accomplish your mission." She said then she disappeared

"AMANDA!!" I screamed.

I looked around quickly. It's getting colder.
"There's got to be a way...." I said to myself then I remembered what Kamski said.

He always leaves an emergency exit in his programs!
I have to find it! I walked to the path that I think the emergency exit is. It's hard to see from the snow.

After walking through the snow, I finally see it!
I head towards it but then my legs gave out from the cold.
I crawled to it and I reached for it!

I did it....

I'm brought back to the present.
I saw the gun in my hand. Good thing Susie doesn't noticed that. I quickly put the me gun away and listened to Markus' speech.

Then I felt my hand tightened. I looked and I see Susie holding my hand. She smiled at me and then she rested her head on my shoulder.
I smiled back and I kissed her on the head.

After Markus said his speech, all the androids cheered.
We're finally free.

((Later again, sorry))

I asked Susie if she want to walk with me to see Hank, but she said that she needs to do something first.

She left before I could even question.

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