Chapter 14- locating Jericho

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((I have a question really quick. Is there another way for Conner to locate Jericho like instead of Conner chasing after a deviant and doesn't save Hank or just have dead Simon in the evidence room. Because if I want to play the game, which I really want to, I want to save Simon and still have Hank trust Conner and help him.

Eh, I'll find out. Anyway, onto the chapter! I'm getting close to the end!))

"You're off the case. The FBI is taking over." Jeffery said to Hank and Conner.

"What? But we're onto something! We...we just need more time. I'm sure we can-"
Hank was cut off by Jeffery.

"Hank, you don't get it. This isn't just another investigation, it's a fucking civil war! It's out of our hands now...we're talking about national security here." Jeffery said.

"Fuck that! You can't just pull he plug now. Not when we're so close!" Hank yelled.

"You're always saying you can't stand androids! Jesus, Hank, make up your mind! I thought you'd be happy about this!"
Jeffery yelled back.

"We're about to crack the case! I know we can solve it! For god's sake, Jeffery, can't you back me up this one time?!" Hank yelled at Jeffery again.

Jeffery sighed.
"There's nothing I can do. You're back on homicide and the android returns to CyberLife. I'm sorry, Hank, but it's over." Jeffery said.

Hank stormed out of the office.
Conner decided to just talk to Hank.

He walked up to his desk and sat down on the edge of the desk.

"We could have solved this case! We just need more time." Conner said.

Hank was quiet before he looked at Conner.
"So you're going back to CyberLife?" He asked.

Conner sighed.
"I have no choice... I'll be deactivated and analyzed to find out why I failed..." He said.

Then Hank thought of this question.

"What if we're on the wrong side, Conner? What if we're fighting against people who just want to be free?" Hank asked.

"When the deviants rise up, there will be chaos. We could have stopped them! But now it's too late..." Conner said.

They both went silent for a moment before Hank said this.

"When you refused to kill that android at Kamski's place, you put yourself in her shoes. You showed empathy, Conner. Empathy is a human emotion." Hank said with a small smile.

Conner sighed.
"You're wrong, Lieutenant. It was logic that determined my decisions. Nothing more." Conner said.

Hank looked behind Conner and sees Perkins walking down the hallway, talking on the phone.

"Well, well, here's comes Perkins, that motherfucker. Sure don't waste time at the FBI." Hank said.

Conner quickly turned back and looked at Hank.

"We can't give up. I know the answer is in the evidence we collected. If Perkins takes it, it's over." Conner said.

"There's no choice! You heard Fowler, we're off the case!" Hank said.

"You've got to help me, Lieutenant. I need more time so I can find a lead in the evidence we collected. I know the solution is in there!" Conner said.

Hank stayed quiet for a bit.

"5 minuets, that's all I ask." Conner said.

Hank shrugged and got up.
"You better hurry Conner." Hank said then he walked up to Perkins and punched him right in the face.

((Don't we all just want to punch Gavin and Perkins in the face?))

When Hank make a distraction, Conner quickly took the key from Hank's desk and went to the achieve room.

When he's about to go to the evidence room, Gavin walked up to Conner.

"Hey Conner! I'm talking to you asshole! Where you going? We don't need any plastic pricks around here! Or didn't anyone tell you?" Gavin asked Conner in a very rude way.

"I've been removed from the case. I'm going to register the evidence in my possession and then I'm going to leave." Conner said.

"Good. Be careful on your way back. Androids have a tendency of, huh....getting themselves set on fire these days." Gavin said then he started to walk away from Conner.

Gavin scoffed.
"Prick." He mumbled.

Conner quickly went into the evidence room. Conner just needs to put the password.

He already knows Hank's password.
It's: "Fucking Password"

((I laughed my ass off when we saw what the password was))

Then when all the evidence that Conner and Hank collected, Conner start to try to figure out how to locate Jericho.

He first took off something from the deviant, who killed his owner, and put it on Daniel and asked him where Jericho is, but Daniel doesn't know anything about Jericho.

Conner removed the object off of Daniel, along with the pump.

((I forgot what that heart thing is called in androids))

Then he remembered about the diary that Rupert had but couldn't quite make out what the words in the diary says.

Then he plugged both of them on Rupert, the deviant with the birds.
Rupert reactivated.

"Can you hear me? Your diary, Rupert. I need to know where Jericho is." Conner said.

Rupert didn't say anything, he's too damaged to even speak.
Then Conner had a idea. He can scan Rupert's memory and maybe he can make out what he wrote in his diary!

Conner scanned Rupert's memory. After that, he grabbed the diary and scanned it.

The first page is about rA9, other is about the birds are his friends, AHA! He found the page about where Jericho is!

It's a abandoned boat at the docks.
It also says that only an androids can follow the path.

After Conner finally figured out where Jericho could be, he immediately left the evidence room.

Perkins and 2 police officers walked into the evidence room.
"What happened in here?" Perkins asked.

"Looks like someone was snooping around." One of the officers said.

"Oh my god. Get the alarm, now!" Perkins ordered then the officers quickly ran out the room and set up the alarms.

Conner walked out of the police station.
He is heading to Jericho.

((I'm actually having fun writing these chapters))

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