Chapter 21- choice

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((What? You are thought this is over? Nah man, I'm continuing!))

((But to where Conner failed to escape his 'mind palace'))

Conner is trying to leave his mind palace.
He just needs to find the emergency exit.

But.......he failed.
He fell on his knees as he shivers from the cold.
His vision is starting to get blurry and he can't feel his body anymore.....his body collapsed on the snow.
In his finally breath.....he said this..

"I-I'm sorry....."

((Now back to the present))

Conner no longer has self control. He took out his gun and aimed it on Markus.

Stone was listening until she noticed that Conner is holding the gun and aiming it at Markus.
She needs to make a choice now!

O Sacrifice Self
X Fight Conner

((I think I'll do both opinions here))

O Sacrifice Self

Before Conner can shoot Markus.....Stone quickly moved Markus out of the way and then.....


Conner shot Stone...Stone fell onto the ground as the blue blood is bleeding from her forehead.
Markus' eyes widened in horror.
Conner seemed to have snapped out and went back to reality.....his eyes widened when he sees Stone dead on the ground.

"N-no.....w-what have I done?.....W-WHAT HAVE I DONE?!" Conner screamed as tears are starting to form in his eyes.

He held Stone's lifeless body and held her close to him as he cries.
If it weren't for Stone though......Markus would've been killed....
She sacrificed herself to save the leader of Jericho.

Bad Ending ((Sacrifice ending))

((Now time for the other choice! But this is gonna be extremely sad so, warning here))

X Fight Conner

Stone tackled Conner to the ground before he can even shoot Markus.
She got the gun away from Conner and continued to fight him.

She's about to punch Conner but Conner blocked her attack and kicked her off of him.

He tried to reach for the gun but Stone stomped on his hand and kicked him in the face.
Then Conner tackled Stone to the ground and begin to choke her to death. Stone knows that she needs to act fast. She then sees Conner's gun right there beside her.

She quickly tried to reach for it. Conner was about to snap her neck when Stone finally grabbed the gun and kicked Conner off of her.

Conner was about to attack her again when Stone shot him at the head. Conner fell on the ground as blue blood is bleeding from his forehead.

Stone's eyes widened as she realizes what she has done......she killed Conner with her own two hands.....

Markus and North quickly ran to Stone.
"Stone what happened?! Are you alright?!" Markus asked Stone.

Stone didn't say anything at first but she pointed at Conner's corpse.

"I-I killed him......" Stone said quietly but Markus and North can hear her.
North sighed.

"You had to do what you need to do....." She said to Stone.
Stone didn't say anything back. She just stared at Conner's corpse.....and she can't look away.

Markus and North were able to get her away from the corpse....

((The next day....))

Stone sits in front of Liza's gravestone....she's just staring at the gravestone, not saying anything. Her eyes looked lifeless....same with her expression.

"Hey kid...." A voice said behind Stone in a small distance.
Stone knows that's Hank.
She didn't say anything.

"Kid....I heard about what you did to Conner. It must've hard for you, isn't it?" Hank said.

Stone still didn't say anything.
Hank feels a little uneasy.

"Kid, I understand about how hard it must be to do that, but you had to do something to save the Jericho leader." Hank said.

Stone still doesn't say anything.....

Hank went silent before he sighed.

"If you need someone to talk to, just tell me, Stone..." Hank said.

There was silence again between them.

"I'll....I'll wait in the car if you want me to take you home, okay?" Hank said.

Stone still didn't say anything......

Hank walked to his car but before he get in, he heard a sounded like a click from a gun.

Hank turned his head and his eyes widened when he sees Stone holding a gun and aiming it to her head.

"STONE! NO!" Hank screamed and he was running to her's too late....


Stone shot herself....she fell to the ground as her head is bleeding blue blood.
She couldn't handle the guilt any longer.....she had to end it......end it all.....

"K-Kid? Kid! Wake up! Wake up please!" Hank cried as he is shaking Stone's shoulders.....
She didn't wake up.......she committed suicide in front of Hank.....
Hank started to tear up and her lifeless body close to him.....he started to cry....

This horrible scene will never leave his mind.......

Worst Ending ((End it all ending))

What will you choose? ((My DBH Fanfic))Where stories live. Discover now