Chapter 5- chase down

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After what happened back at the traffic road, they got a little break.

Stone is staying home just to rest, since she almost got hit by a car.

Hank is getting lunch, while answering some questions that Conner kept asking him.

And then, they are getting another investigation. They said a deviant is in a abandoned apartment.

They all went to where this deviant is located.
They walked in front of a door that they told them where it is.

Conner knocked on the door.
"Anybody home?" He said.
No response.
He knocked again but harder.
"Detroit police! Open up!" He yelled.

Then they heard something fell and broke.
Hank took out his gun.

"Stay behind me." He said and then Conner and Stone stood behind him.

Hank kicked the door open. He looked around a bit then he kicked open the other doors.
But when he kicked the last door, a bunch of pigeons fly out of the room.

"What the fuck is this?!" Hank yelled.
They all walked into the room.

"Jesus this place stinks." Hank said.

Hank is looking for clues while Stone and Conner are looking for clues as well.

Conner found blue blood in the sink and a LED. That means there's a deviant in the room.
Stone found a diary but she can't quite make out it says.

Then Conner reconstruct the clues and saw what happened. So the deviant hear them at the door and it tried to hide but it hit the cage and then it hide somewhere in the ceiling.

Conner looked up at the ceiling to see if he see anything up there but then a deviant jumped down from the ceiling and ran out the window.
They didn't catch him because of the pigeons were in their way.

"What are waiting for?! Chase him!" Hank said.
Conner and Stone ran after the deviant.

They both ran and the whole run was fast but almost risky.
They ran through some green houses and small gardens. But when they ran passed the corn field, Hank was fighting the deviant but he slipped and almost fell off the roof but he held onto the edge.

Conner helped Hank get back on the roof but Stone ran after the deviant.

"Stone wait!!" Hank said then they went after them.

((With Stone))

Stone is chasing after the deviant when they stopped when they reached the edge of the roof.

The deviant turned around and looked at Stone.
"Why are you helping them? You are one of us." He said.

Stone grabbed her gun but the deviant slapped the gun out of her hands and then he attacked her.
She collapsed on the floor but she quickly stood up and fought the deviant.

"rA9 will save us." He said then he grabbed Stone and both of them fell off the roof.

The deviant landed to his death but Stone landed in the dumpster. Her leg is broken from the fall, same with her arm.

Hank and Conner ran to the roof where Stone and the deviant ran to, but they looked down from the roof.

They see the deviant, dead. But their eyes widened when they saw Stone.
Her broken arm and leg are showing the blue blood leaking.

Stone's eyes widened when she sees them. She weakly got out of the dumpster and ran away from them.

Hank couldn't believe what he saw......but with Conner..... he just couldn't believe it either....
They both got up and left.......

It started to rain, Stone is crawling in the rain. Her leg has broke again and she couldn't walk again. She tried to crawl home but her leg is hurting her that she couldn't take it.

She doesn't know where she is anymore.....her vision is getting blurry and she stopped moving. But in her blurry vision, she sees 4 people there. She wasn't sure if it was humans or androids but she called out for help. They heard her cry for help but as soon as they ran to her, she passed out.

What will you choose? ((My DBH Fanfic))Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ