Chapter 8- Parts

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((Back to Stone))

Stone sits by herself in her own room that Markus let her have. She kept thinking about how her life was before this.

When she was investigating with Hank and Conner. She teared up when she remembered that they find out that she's a deviant.
She wished that Markus and the others never found her and just leave her to deactivate......she had everything she loved and cared about. Not only from where she was a cop, but before she was even a cop......she had a better life before all of this.
But she can't go back now....

She felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned around and saw North.

"I understand if you're scared about what you've been through, but just remember that you're safe here with us." She said with a smile.

Stone let out a small smile on her face.
"Thanks North."

Markus came in the room.
"North, we're leaving now." Markus said to North.

Markus and the others are going to sneak to CyberLife warehouse to find some parts for everyone. Stone wanted to help them but Markus told her to stay here and be safe with the others.

Stone hopes that they come back here alive.

After they all left, Stone just stay in her room.
As she waits for them to come back, she kept thinking about what will happen if she went back to Hank and Conner. They would arrest her or even kill her.

She teared up again after thinking all of that. She saw something in her jacket, that is at the corner of her room.

A gun.....she grabbed the gun and looked at it for a long moment....
She aimed it to her head. Only one shoot to her head and she's done for....

But something inside her is telling her not to pull the trigger.... she looked at the gun again before she put it away.
She doesn't why she pulled the trigger. But she doesn't want to look at her gun again.
She hide her gun under her dirty jacket.

When she exit out of her room, Markus and the others are back.
They said they took a truck full of the parts they needed. They also brought 4 new androids.

Now they can fix the other androids that are badly damaged and needed blue blood.

((Sorry that this is a short chapter.))

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