Chapter 7- drunk coma

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((Time for someone's first POV))

Conner's POV

I am taking a taxi to Lieutenant's house. We have another investigation at the Eden Club.

But as I am waiting to get to Hank's house, something crossed over my mind.
It's Stone.....I can't believe that she's a deviant....I would've catch her or shoot her but..I didn't. I don't know why I didn't do that.

I only saw the fear look in her eyes and I just didn't do anything. Even Hank didn't do anything. We only let her go.

I'm worried about where she is now....I don't know why I'm feeling this....

((Now it's No one's POV))

After the taxi car pulled over, Conner exit out of the taxi. Conner walked in front of Hank's house. He rang the doorbell.

"Lieutenant Anderson?" Conner said.
There was no response.
Conner rang the doorbell again but longer and louder.
"Anybody home?" He said.
Still no response.

Conner walked to one of the windows and looked out.
The first window he see through, he sees a huge dog. Must be Sumo.
At the second window, the laptop was still on.

At the third window, he sees Hank. He is unconscious.
Conner has to help him. He shattered the window and jumped through.
Sumo walked towards Conner, Conner is very nervous right now.

((I love how in the game Conner is nervous because of Sumo. I know Sumo is a huge dog but hey, he's adorable. I also almost died from cuteness when Conner pets Sumo))

"Easy..Sumo! I'm your friend, see? I know your name. I'm here to save your owner." Conner said in a nervous tone.

Sumo just walked away from him and went to his food bowl. Conner got up and walked to Hank.
He kneeled down. He analyzed Hank, to make sure if he's alive.
He is alive, his heart is still beating.
But he analyzed his face, there's some alcohol leaking from his mouth.
Then he analyzed a...gun?! What's a gun doing there?! Anyway, the gun only has one bullet left in it.
And finally he analyzed the alcohol bottle, it's black lamb scotch whiskey.
Hank is in a drunk coma.

Conner slapped his face lightly to try to him up. Hank only groaned a little as he almost woke up.
And then Conner slapped Hank across the face. Hank finally woke up.
He helped Hank get up and helped him get to the bathroom.
He put him in the bath tub but Hank tried to get out. Conner pushed him back into the tub.

He turned on the water for the shower and then Hank finally snapped out of it.

"TURN IT OFF! TURN IT OFF!" Hank said.
Conner turned off the water. Hank then looked up on Conner.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Hank asked.

"A homicide was reported 45 minutes ago. I couldn't find you at Jimmy's bar so I came to see if you were at home." Conner explained.

"Jesus, I must be an only cop in the world that gets assaulted in his own house by his own fucking android." Hank said as he sits on the edge of the tub.

"Can't you just leave me alone?" Hank said to Conner.

"Unfortunately, I cannot. I've been programmed to investigate this case and I can't do it without you." Conner said.

"I don't give a shit about your goddamn case!" Hank said.

((What a bad hangover))

"Lieutenant, you're not yourself. You should-"

"Beat it! You hear me?! Get the hell outta here!" Hank said as he stands up. But he almost fell when Conner quickly helped him sit back down.

"I understand. It probably wasn't interesting anyway. A man found dead in a sex club downtown. Guess they'll have to solve the case without us." Conner said as he almost left the bathroom.

"You know, probably wouldn't do me any harm to get some air." Hank said.
"There's some clothes in the bedroom there."

"I'll go get them." Conner said then he left the bathroom and head to Hank's bedroom.

"What do you want to wear?" Conner said as he opened the closet.

"Whatever." Hank said from the bathroom.
Conner looked in the closet.

Hippy, stripy, and streaky.

Conner got out the streaky clothing. He went back to the bathroom. Hank is throwing up in the toilet.

"Are you all right, Lieutenant?" Conner asked as he puts the clean clothes on the sink counter.

Hank coughed and wiped his mouth.
"Yeah...wonderful. Just a....Give me five minutes, okay?" Hank said.

"Sure." Conner said then he was leaving the bathroom when Hank threw up again.

((I almost threw up when I heard him throwing up))

As Hank is still in the bathroom, Conner decided to try to get to know Hank better.

He went to the kitchen and saw the same gun on the floor. He didn't want to ask Hank why there was a gun so he put it on the table.

Then he saw a picture on the table. He picked it up. It's a picture of a child with brown hair and brown eyes. He scanned the picture. Cole......died last year. Conner put the picture back down.

((Does Cole have brown eyes? I can't remember. Also, I feel bad for Hank. I just wanna hug him.))

Then he walked to Sumo and pet him.
He seemed not nervous anymore of animals.

After that whole thing, Hank is finally ready.
"Be a good dog Sumo. I won't be long." He said to Sumo.

And then they left to their next investigation.

((I was gonna write where they're at the Eden Club but this chapter took way longer than what I expected. Almost 1,000 words were used here!))

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