Chapter 4- on the run

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((It might take me a while to make the next chapter because I forgot where Conner's and Hank's investigation is next After this so I'm gonna have to watch JackSepTicEye play DBH again))

Their next investigation is to find a deviant who insulted and attacked its owner and ran away.
This might be hard to find them.

"They couldn't have gone far." Conner said.
While Hank is trying to get some answers from some people who saw them, Conner and Stone went to a abandoned house to start searching.

But when they entered the house, a android with a badly damage on half of his face encountered them.

"Ralph wants to know why you're here." He said.
"We're here to look for a deviant. Have you seen any of them here?" Conner asked.

Ralph shook his head.
"N-No...Ralph hasn't seen anyone." He said almost quietly.

Stone has a feeling that he's lying.
"Alright, but we need to check around here to be sure." Stone said then Stone and Conner begin to search around. Conner is checking in the bathroom while Stone is checking through the living room.
Stone noticed a kinda large hole underneath the stairs. She checks in there but she spotted the deviant they're looking for!

Ralph grabbed Stone.
"RUN KARA RUN!!" Ralph yelled out.
A deviant ran out of the house with a little girl with her.

"CONNER THEY'RE GETTING AWAY!!" Stone screamed out for Conner and then she got Ralph off of her.

They both ran after them. The cops saw where they went and said they went to the traffic road.
They're about to go after them but Hank stopped them.

"What the fuck are you two doing?! You both well get hit by a car!" Hank said.

Conner gave up but Stone didn't. She climbed up the fence and went after them.

"STONE COME BACK HERE NOW!!" Hank yelled out but Stone ignored him.

"Stop right there!" Stone yelled at the android getting away.

"Alice come on!" The android helped the little girl to the other side but Stone grabbed the android before she can go to the other side.

They both fought but the android pushed her off and made a run for it with the little girl.

Stone looked up from the ground and sees a car speeding to her.
She shut her eyes tight, embracing for impact.
But Conner quickly saved her before she got ran over.

"Stone you gotta be more careful! You could've been killed!" Conner said.
He helped her get up.

When Conner and Stone went back to Hank, Hank breathed heavily in relief.

"Jesus you scared the shit out of me. Don't ever do that again!" Hank said.

"I'll try to be more careful Hank. I promise." Stone said.

"You swear you promise?"

"I promise."

But that didn't last until the next investigation......

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