Chapter 17- stone's memory

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((Warning! This is gonna be really sad!!))

After the androids evacuated, they all went to the cathedral. They at least need to hide from the soldiers for a moment.

Stone walk around and sees the androids here.
She sees a girl with dirty pink hair and blue eyes, hugging her knees and crying. She's wearing a light blue jacket with a white shirt and a black skirt.
Stone walked up to her.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Stone asked.
The girl looked at Stone and wiped tears away from her eyes.

"I'm just......really scared.." She whimpered.
Stone placed her hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay. Markus will set us free. We just need him to think of the right words to say." She said with a smile.

The girl smiled back.
"What's your name?" The girl asked.

"My name is Stone. And you are?" Stone said.

"My name is Felicia. I'm a FK300 model and I was programmed to bake and deliver. Like, I delivered some doughnuts to the police station." Felicia said.

Stone remembered a android delivering doughnuts. No wonder why she looked familiar.

"What happened?" Stone asked.
Felicia stayed silent for a moment before she sighed.

"I was serving a man some pastries until he grabbed my arm and started to touch me inappropriately......I hit him with a tray and I ran away as far as I can." Felicia said.

"That must've been horrible. I'm really sorry." Stone said.

"No it's okay. And before that, a man tried to help me but he got into a fight with that man who touched me but unfortunately he got hurt badly. I hope I can see him again and thank him...." Felicia added.

Stone got a bit confused.
"Who?" She asked.

"I think his name is.....Gabe? Or Gavin?" Felicia said.

Stone then remembered Gavin. Stone thought he hated androids.... Wait a minute

"Wait, what does he look like?" Stone asked.

"He wears a dark brown jacket, a white shirt, black jeans and black shoes. He has brown hair and brown eyes, and kinda growing a beard." Felicia explained.

That's the same definition of Gavin that Stone knows.
He must've pretended to hate androids to hide the fact that he cared about one android....

"Don't worry, Felicia. Once this whole thing is over, I'll help you find him." Stone said with a smile.
Felicia smiled back with some excitement.

"Thank you so much!" Felicia said.
Stone nodded then she stood up.

She then spotted another girl but she looks taller than her and Felicia. She looks really worried.
She has red hair, cut into kinda a boy's hair style, and golden yellow eyes.
She's wearing a black tank top with a sleeveless dark blue jacket, dark blue jeans and black shoes.

Stone walked up to her.

"Hey, you okay?" She asked.
The red haired girl looked at Stone for a moment before she looked at the ground again and crossed her arms.

"It's just.....I'm really worried about someone....I don't see him here and I hope he's safe at home..." she said.

"I'm sure he's safe, wherever he is at. What's his name?" Stone said.

"Ralph...he's a android. He's a little broken and a bit crazy but he'll be friendly if you get to know him. He protected me when I had no place to go before I became a deviant..." she explained.

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