the tragedy 5

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(The tragedy 5)

The Tragedy 5)

Suddenly, I opened my eyes, wide awake from my sleep.

I felt afraid and thirsty.

For some reason, I felt uncomfortable and worried,

So I sat down.

I removed my thick hair from my face. I took a deep breath and then exhaled it to expel this disgusting feeling that I had never felt before... it's weird.

I got out of the bed and went to the window and opened it.

I took a look at our big prison that's called the farm.

It was early morning, the farm looks beautiful and quiet in the early morning hours.

We were living in a big room, and we had put curtains between our beds to have some privacy.

I pulled away the curtain that separated me and my mother, but I couldn't find her in her bed.

My heart started beating wildly, I felt scared.

Then I went to the bathroom while I was sure that she might be in there.

I knocked on the door and then opened it; the bathroom was empty.

I ran to Sami and tried to wake him up, saying with fear and panic:

"Sami, Sami, wake up, our mother's not here."

He opened his drowsy eyes and said with a questioning look:

"What do you mean our mother is not here? For heaven's sake, calm down Irene... She might have gone out to get some air."

I was freaking out, so I screamed at him:

"What if they took her?"

I went out immediately to look for her.

Perhaps she is outside, but the feeling of fear and insecurity overwhelmed me.

So I ran out, and Sami followed me.

We searched in front of the room and then behind it, then I saw her, I saw the ugliest sight a human being could ever see, I saw her hanging there on a tree.

She hanged herself, I screamed so loud, "No!"

I fell to the ground and cried so hard I couldn't look at her face.

While Sami stood in his place in shock for a moment.

Then he grabbed me and hugged me tightly to his chest; he couldn't prevent himself from crying... we both cried.

That was the hardest and the saddest situation in my entire miserable life; I never imagined I would lose her In this way, I never imagined that she would leave us,

But she chose to leave us before we leave her. Before they took us away from her.

The most she was afraid of was losing us and to be alone in this damn farm.

The farm resident gathered around us after they heard my loud screaming.

The women and the girls gathered around me and tried to comfort me,

While the men hastened to take down her body from the tree.

Their behavior was quiet as they placed her pure body on the ground... Suicide was a normal thing here. They deal with it almost every week.

I ran to her crying, I'm crying again; I haven't known how to cry for eleven years, The last time I cried was eleven years ago when I thought that I had lost her.

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