The Flirt (Prinxiety)

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Patton noticed a very close relationship between Roman and Virgil, which was strange, knowing the two had always fought and never got along. He saw Logan rise and walk over to the couch.

"Hey Lo! Can I ask you a favor?"
Patton asked.
Logan looked up at him and nodded.
"Great! I need help spying on Roman and Virgil, I have noticed some... closeness between them. And I just, want to know why."
He exclaimed.
Logan raised a brow.

"You are conversing about the pick-up lines, correct?"
Logan asked.
Patton nodded, smiling for no reason. But, its just a happy pappy Patton!


Roman walked into the imagination room, hoping he could find some ideas for Thomas's video. He opened the door and saw Virgil walking.

"Hey Hot Topic."
He said.
Virgil stopped and looked at Roman. He smirked.

"Hey. Are you a map? Cause Im getting lost in your eyes."
Virgil chuckled.
Roman smiled. The prince stepped closer.

"Any idea why we make these witty pick up lines?"
He asked.
Virgil shrugged.
"Well, I could say your Starbucks, and if you are, then I like you a latte~."
Roman purred.
Virgil blushed and smirked. He rolled his eyes playfully. Roman sighed, still smiling in front of Virgil.

"Your adorable."
Virgil said.
Roman looked at him shocked, smile gone.

"Am not!"
Roman looked at him.
Virgil's smile slowly started to fade.

"Yes, you are. And if your saying you arent, then basically your saying Im not, since we have the same face."
Virgil shot back.
Roman's jaw dropped.

"Listen here, you Emo Nightmare! You have different personalities, and a different style. I mean, shoot, we cant even see your eyes half the time!"
Roman fired back at him.
Virgil's once smile was now an angered look. He cant believe Roman, who hadnt fought with him in awhile, was now insulting him.

"Well if you dont like it, then here!"
He moved a chunk of hair out  his face and off to the side.
Roman blushed, still angry.

Roman rolled his eyes, looking away from Anxiety.
Virgil looked at him, his hair falling back  into his face. He didnt like fighting, but he wasnt happy.

"Whatever? Thats all you have to say after I fix your little "problem" ?"
Virgil snapped.
Roman growled. He quickly faced Virgil, arms crossed, only to feel chapped lips on his. His eyes went as wide as possible. He slowly uncrossed his arms and turned a bit so he could wrap his arms around Virgil's waist and deepen the kiss. Virgil pulled away and Roman kept their foreheads together.

"Your adorable, okay? And although we have the same face, we are all different."
Roman said.
Virgil smirked a bit. He chuckled at Roman's statement.

"Are you a magician? Because whenever I look at you, everyone else disappears.."
Virgil laughed.
Roman let go of Virgil, also laughing. He looked into his eyes, hidden behind his hair. He smiled, putting a hand on Virgil's cheek and Virgil leaning his head into it.

"I love you.. you are... absolutely beautiful!"
Roman chuckled.
Virgil purred and smiled, looking Roman in the eyes.

"Ahhhhh!!! Im sorry its just so adorable!!!"
Patton squealed.
Roman and Virgil jumped, stopping everything that was happening and turning their attention to Patton.

"Aaaand, there goes our cover. Perhaps, you should have... stepped out to,"
Logan grabbed his vocabulary cards.
He said, showing everyone his card.

"Uhm, right, well, I have a show to catch up on."
Roman said.
He began to walk out.

"And I have an existential crisis to catch up on."
Virgil sighed.
He, too, walked out. He caught up to Roman and followed him into his room to cuddle and watch Mulan.
Patton turned to Logan and smiled widely. He tackled him to the floor and kissed him.


Requested by Roxy50angel (thank you for the awesome request!💝)

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