THOMAS! (Logicality)

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Im running out of ideas, request stuff to me😣

Virgil stood in place, furious at the prince. They stared before Roman spoke up.

"I was right when I called you a creepy cookie. Y'know, I highly doubt most of the spiders in your room are fake. Do you want to get us killed?"
Roman scoffed.
Virgil glared at Princey. Of course he didnt want to get them killed. Plus, why would he have real spiders? He is Thomas' anxiety, hes deathly afraid of them. Virgil chose not to speak cause he knew all the prince would do is mock him. So, he walked over and sat on the couch, next to Logan.

"Finally done?"
Logan asked.
Virgil shrugged, in all hopes Roman would say yes.

"And Roman,"
Logan looked up at him.
"It is an infematesimal chance that Virgil would be willing to kill us. For if he killed us, that means all Thomas would be is anxiety. Surely Virgil does not want Thomas to be dangered."
Logan explained.
Roman glared at him and rolled his eyes. He sat on the other side of Logan, going on his phone.

"We're baack!!"
Patton exclaimed.
Logan's eyes went wide after seeing what was in Thomas' hand.

"No, no no no. Thomas no."
Logan jumped up and ran to the cage.
"You can not take care of a dog! That is too much money wasted, and we dont have the  proper care it needs."
Logan looked at Patton.

"Dont worry Logan, its for Dominic, he has all the proper tools, and he has already bought dog food and treats!"
Thomas said.
Logan looked at him confused.

"But isnt Dominic always away for conventions? And his home is no better!"
Logan pushed his glasses to the ridge of his nose.
Dominic walked in with a big box.

"Oh and Dominic is moving in."
Thomas walked passed Logan.
Logan froze in place. His eye twitched.

Patton giggled.
Virgil waved slightly at Dominic, not looking up from his phone.

"No Patton, no yay! Thomas, you have to think about what your doing!"
Logan said firmly.
Patton grabbed the cage then Logan's wrist.

"Dont worry, Lo! We can watch after the puppy in the mind palace while they are out!"
Patton said, cheerfully.
He kissed Logan's cheek and walked off.

Logan jumped and sat up. He breathed heavily. Patton jumped and fluttered his eyes open at the sudden movement. He sat up and rubbed his eyes one by one.

"Patton?! Why are you here?! The puppy... Dominic... THOMAS!!"
Logan yelled.
He threw the blankets off him and sunk down after grabbing his glasses. He made his way to Thomas's room. He threw the door open, causing him to fall out of his bed.

Thomas yelled.
He sat up and looked at Logan, standing over him.

"Where is the dog?"
Logan asked strictly.

"What dog? You know we cant have dogs in the apartment. Or at least we cant own them."
Thomas said.
Logan looked at him questionably. He looked at his bed and saw Dominic sit up and rub his eyes. Logan's eyes went wide.

"Why is he here?"
Logan asked.
Thomas looked at him and chuckled.

"You had a dream, huh?"
Thomas asked, smiling.

"That  illogical. I have never had a dream before. Now where is the puppy?"
Logan glared at Thomas.
Thomas laughed more.

"You can still have dreams. Remember when you thought Joan was dead and you woke me up at four in the morning, crying? And they visited the next day and you thought they were an imposter and hated them for a few days? That was a dream. Joan never died."
Thomas explained.
Logan froze, eyes twitching.

"Okay, well why did Patton kiss me in this one? Is that some form of dream?"
Logan asked.
Dominic laughed and Thomas gasped, smiling.

"Aw Logan!! That means you like Patton!"
Thomas squealed.
Logan looked at him confused.

"Is that why he is in my bed?"
Logan looked at the wall and thought for a moment.

"Is that why you dont have a shirt on?"
Dominic chuckled.
Logan looked down. He sighed and sunk down. He yawned and crawled back in bed. He felt Patton wrap his warm arms around him. He smiled a bit, took off his glasses, and turned around.

"Sorry, but your mine now."
Patton giggled silently.
Logan chuckled. Patton kissed him and shut his eyes. He yawned and fell asleep with the shirtless Logan.

Virgil yelled through the wall.

Logan questioned.

"Shh, thats not important."
Patton said.

Im running out of ideas. As you can tell, this was terrible. Please request anything you'd like!!
Take it easy guys, gals, and non-binary pals! PEACE OUT!👑👔👓🐶🐱♥

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