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Kicked. I get kicked everyday. The face, ribs, legs, thighs, anywhere and everywhere. I came home with bruises that I'd hide with make up.
I was going to die because of these kids. They were going to keep kicking and punching. Just because of a scar from a fire.
On the side of my face there is a pink area - a scar - from when I was in a house firr when I was five. I tried covering it with makeup, but the pink is almost glowing.
I didn't get why they did this. People have scars. But I guess they just wanted me to know how ugly I am. I am. I am ugly. And I understand now that this is their way of telling me.
I was sick of it. I was tired. I have to fake not feeling well, even in my tempature is 98.4° F.
That's how it's been since junior high. And now I'm here. A sophomore. A pimpy sophomore that gets beat up from day to day.
It's just a part of my normal day. My daily routine. Until one day.
Now this is about to sound cliché, and I'll even admit it. But someone came to my rescue. He beat up the kids who beat me up. And then got suspended. So much for that.
But the kids who were beating me up got suspended too. So that was a nice weight off my shoulders. Though they should have been expelled.
The guy who beat them up only got a day's suspension because he was defending me. The other guys got a ten day suspension. That'll be long enough for my bruises ti heal, right?

He was back. The guy who saved me. And I was able to finally figure out who it was. Remy Sliep.
He had been pretty popular among the ladies. But I've never seen or heard of him being in a relationship. It confused me.
I felt like a dumb anime girl. I wanted to approach him, but couldn't. He always seemed so far. He acknowledged and even risked his education for me. But maybe it was a one time thing and that he just happened to be there. I had nothing to do with him beating them up. He was only doing it cause they were bad guys.
I had to approach him someday. I had to thank him. To make sure he knew my gratitude.
But the guys were back. They were back and blood-thirsty. I felt as if they were about to crack my skull open. They looked fierce. They were looking for revenge.
"What do you dyke's want?" Remy asked. "Look, hun, we don't give out negativity here, so get your asses out of here."
"You soubd like an old fuckin' lady." One spat, cauing the other's to laugh.
"Blame it on my mother and father, babes, I didn't get to choose my genes." He looked at him expressionless, pulling his sunglasses down a bit to look at them clearer and sipping his drink. "You fat pigs." (Sorry, but this reminded me of Brendon Urie's part in Lil Dicky's new song. "I'm fat fucking pig!")
"The hell you just call me?" He lifted Remy by the shirt. I couldn't just stand and watch. So I punched the guy. Ow, that hurt my hand.
"You little shit, come here!" He ran towards me until Remy pushed him to the lockers.
"Don't fucking touch him." He glared at them. I rubbed my hand and stared at him.
"Tuck your thumb in when you punch." He nodded towards me.
"O-Okay.." so much for advice I don't need.
He put his arm on my shoulders and started walking. I looked at him throw his empty cup away. I looked to the ground.
I hadn't really seen his eyes. Besides what just happened, I've never gotten a good look. Even a glimpse and you still can't figure out if they are blue, green or brown. He never takes off his sunglasses, even when he's indoors on a dark, rainy day. He argues with the teachers about that.
"Dee, right?" He stopped walking and looked down to me. He was slightly taller, as most people were.
"Y-Yeah.. D-Deciet.." I said. Was telling him my full name necessary? Probably not.
"Deciet? Girl, who decided that, your mom or dad?" He asked, raising a brow.
"Uhm... well.. my mom was angry at my dad for cheating on her, and since I was his child, and he lied to her, she named me Deceit, because she thought since I was his son, I was full of lies.." stupid, really. My parents are stupid. I changed my name to Dee because I hated hearing the word "deceit" since all it did was make my mother worse of a person and give her power.
He hugged me. "I'm sorry, hun." He said. "That's such an awful thing."
I was so confused as to what was happening. The bad boy was being soft on me. Could this get anymore cliché?
I hugged back, but he pushed me away with force. Now I was really confused. But, it all made sense. No, actually, it didn't. Because his lips were on mine and his hands were on ny cheeks. I didn't know what to do. What was he doing?!
I pushed him off. "Wh-What..?" It's probably a misunderstanding. He might think that it's one of those cliché movies where the guy saves the girl and they fall in love.
He took off his sunglasses and looked me in the eyes. Holy shit, they were beautiful. Green, blue, and a hint of yellow. Nothing like I'd ever seen before. And I couldn't stop staring.
He dropped his sunglasses unconciously and genuinly smiled. His smile was warm and soft. I hugged him. I don't know why, but I did.
He held me close and petted my hair. I could hear him softly chuckling. I didn't know why. But I also didn't care.
We pulled away and he kissed me again. What in the world was happening? I didn't know. But I don't care.


REQUESTED BY JackSmellington

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