Blues Clues

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Logan and Patton sat and watched cartoons while Roman and Virgil were out with Remy and Deciet. Patton was endured in this show called Blues Clues. He enjoyed the mystery and puzzles, but most importantly, the adorable little girl herself, Blue. Patton was always excited to see the dog come on screen.

"C'mon Patton, surely there is something less infantile."
Logan said.
Patton tilted his head, confused as to what Logan was trying to say.

"Less childish, Patton. Your an adult."
Logan said more understanding.

"But look at the adorable puppy! Plus, you will enjoy this too! It has mystery, and puzzles! You like puzzles, right?"
Patton giggled.
Logan sighed and turned his attention to the screen.

"We just got a letter! We just got a letter! We just got a letter! I wonder who its from!"
Steve sang.
Logan raised a brow.

~Eight Minutes Later~

"I know, Miranda's gonna be here any minute!"
Steve said.

"Who the frick is Miranda?!"
Logan said.

"I see it o  the straw, Steve!"
Logan said.

"A clue a clue!"
Patton said.

"Shut up I saw it first!"
Logan yelled.

"Oh, you see a clue?"
Steve asked.

"Yes, Steve!"
Logan yelled.

Steve wondered.

"Right there!"
Logan said.

"On the straw?"
Steve asked.

"Yes Steve!"
Logan yelled.

Steve asked.

Logan screamed.
Patton looked at him worriedly. He turned off the tv and hesitantly rubbed Logan's back. Logan sighed and hugged Patton.

"Maybe Ill watch Blues Clues on my own next time..."
Patton suggested.
Logan nodded in Patton's shoulder. Patton smiled and kissed the top of Logan's head. He blushed A LOT. Logan kept his face hidden in Patton's shoulder so he could hide his blush.

Logan said.

"Yes Logan?"
Patton replied.
Logan paused for a second.

"Why did you... kiss me?"
He asked.
Patton chuckled a bit. He pulled Logan back, holding onto his shoulders. He noticed Logan's bright red face. Logic tried not to make eye contact.

"Because Logan, your one of my sons!"
Patton smiled.

Logan said.
Patton giggled.

"Im joking, Logan."
Patton said.
He pulled Logan towards him and kissed him passionately. Logan grabbed Patton and kissed back.
Roman, Virgil, Deciet and Remy walked in to see Logan and Patton sitting in front of the tv on the floor kissing. Virgil pretend gagged.

"Is this kissing time?"
Remy asked.

"Well I dont want to kiss one of you."
Deciet said, looking at Remy.

"Oh you mean me?"
Remy raised a brow.
He bent Deciet over and kissed him.

"Well Im going to my room."
Virgil said, beginning to sink down.
Roman grabbed him.

"Not so fast, Hot Topic."
Roman said.
He pulled Virgil back up and held onto his waist. Anxiety blushed furiously.

"Okay, thats enough SirSingAlong."
Virgil said, avoiding eye contact.
Roman pressed his lips against Virgil's.

"Im going back to the mind palace."
Logan said, disappointed.
He sunk down and Patton got up to take pictures of the other four.


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