Roommate Family

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TW WARNING: Swearing, slightly sexual

      Virgil sighed as Patton vacuumed the living room. His roommates knew the living room was his favourite spot to hang out on his phone, yet they don't care, they continue doing what they want anyways.    

     Patton turned the vacuum off and went to unplug it from the wall socket. He put it away and sat on the middle of the couch. The five roommates had their own spots on the couch. Virgil was on the far left, Roman next to him, Logan in the middle, Patton next to him, and Deceit on the far right. They didn't complain. They claimed their spots when they first moved in four months prior.

     Logan walked in the house later that night and set his car keys on the counter, along with his bag on the floor leaning against the wall. He sighed and sat on the arm rest on the chair Patton was curled up on. "Salutations Patton." He said.
     "Hey Lo! How was work?" Patton smiled, turning his attention away from the tv. 
     "Stressful." Logan sighed. "Today was a really busy day. Supposedly it's National Latte day, so we had customers flooding in every minute." He stood up and turned towards the stairs. "Which is why Roman is gonna be a bit late. They kept him until closing hours. He should be home at around six." He looked at his clock. "Half an hour."
     "I suppose I should start making dinner then." He stood up and walked to the kitchen. "What sounds interesting?" He asked, looking in the fridge and freezer.
     "Chicken Alfredo." Virgil said, walking down the stairs. He leaned against the kitchen counter backwards, facing Logan. "I would have warned you about work today, but I decided against it." He smirked.
     Logan gave him a look of annoyance. "of course you would have known, your on that damn phone all day. No wonder you don't have a proper job." He rolled his eyes.

     "Now now, let's be nice you-" Patton began, filling a giant pot with water.
     "It's no different from yours! Working at a flower shop at least pays more than you and Roman!" Virgil scoffed.
     "It does not!" Logan crossed his arms. "We work more anyways, you only work on Tuesdays and Thursdays!" 
     "Enough you two!" Patton gave them his dad look and put his hands on his hips. The other two boys looked at him apologetically. He smiled and went back to cooking, bringing out the noodles and waiting for the water to boil.

     An hour later Roman arrived. "My apologies! Boss made the cafe stay open an hour later than usual because people just wouldn't stop coming in for latte's! Why would you have coffee at six pm? Anyways, Remy and Talyn are staying another half hour there, they said they had everything under control." 
      "Your food is, unfortunately, in the fridge for you to heat up. Sorry Kiddo.." Patton said. he turned his head back to the tv, cuddling with his blanket, which was on top of both him and Logan. 

     All the light in the house were off and the tv was the only source of light. The four were watching Coraline as Roman arrived. Only one spot on the couch remained, which was Roman's right next to Virgil.
     Roman set his stuff down and sat down with them. They were at the end of the movie, but they all had the day off of work the next day, so they expected to watch more that night. Roman and Virgil shared a blanket, as did Patton and Logan, however Deceit didn't have one, so Patton got up and grabbed a big fluffy blanket for them all.

     Patton is always the first one up. Besides when Virgil stays up all night, which that night he hadn't. Patton was up rather early, everyone else was dead asleep. It was five in the morning, so it was still dark outside. He went under the blanket and slid out, trying not to disturb the others. He tip toed to the kitchen to grab a glass of water and a bag of cheetos. He stepped silently back to the couch and slid back under the blanket. He turned the tv on and made it so it was barely audible. He rested his head on Logan's shoulder as he silently munched on his cheetos.
     Virgil slowly shifted so he was holding Roman's arm, which woke him. He looked down at the emo boy. He inhaled then exhaled a little heavy as he turned to the tv then Patton. "Your up rather early." He whispered.
     Patton finished his cheeto before turning to Roman. "I guess I'm just used to waking up around this time to get ready at the animal daycare." He turned back to the tv, which was playing Hilda on Netflix.
     Roman jumped a bit at Virgil's movements. He yawned and kept his eyes open, knowing he wasn't gonna go back to sleep anytime soon. He leaned slightly to his roommates touch. He ended up resting his head on Virgil's, smiling slightly to himself.

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