Jealous Roman

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     Virgil, Logan and Patton sat together on the couch. Patton was watching cartoons, Logan was reading, and Virgil was going through Instagram. Virgil wrapped his arm around Logan with his free arm.
     Logan smiled a bit to himself and kept reading. Virgil found fanart of him and Logan and smiled, showing his boyfriend, who also smiled. Virgil kissed his cheek and went back to scrolling through Instagram.
     Roman walked down the stairs and stopped, staring at Virgil and Logan.  He frowned. He took a seat next to  Patton and looked at Prinxiety on his phone. A tear started to fall but he quickly wiped it away. But it was too late, Patton had already noticed.

"Whats wrong kiddo?"
Patton asked, concerned.
Roman turned off his phone as more tears fell. He missed what him and Virgil used to have. He hates that Virgil moved on so easily and Roman has to sit and watch him and Logan being like how  him and Roman used to be.
Roman stood up and sunk down and ran to his room. He couldnt sit in the same room as them any longer.

Patton called.
He sighed and sat back into the couch.

"I wonder whats wrong."
Virgil said, frowning.
Logan set his book down and looked away, frowning as well.

"I may know why.."
Logan sighed.
He picked his book back up to continue reading, not telling Patton or Virgil why Roman was upset. Patton blinked, clueless as to what Logan was saying, and he wasnt even using his big words.

"Did something happen between you two?"
Patton asked.

"Well I am a part of it. But not just me."
Logan replied, his book still in his face.
Virgil's face grew sadder after he realised what Logan was saying.

"Well... I-It- it isnt my fault!"
Virgil shouted.
Logan set his book down and payed attention his boyfriend. He put a hand on his back and rubbed circles into it to calm him down. Now Virgil was the one to start crying. Logan saw that circles werent helping, so he hugged him, letting him cry into his shoulder.

"Well, its okay kiddo. Things happen. And youve got Logan to help you through it."
Patton said.
Virgil sniffled and clung onto Logan more. Logic smiled and kissed his head.

"I love you, Virgil."
Logan said.
Anxiety sniffled again. He thought of a happy ending with Logan, like he always wanted to have with Roman, but never got.

"I love you, Virge.."
Roman said to himself.
He sat and sighed, new tears strolling down his face.

"Why cant we just have what we used to... I miss the us that would kiss whenever we saw each other, and cuddles every night while watching movies. Or the us that never wanted the other to leave. Now all you want is for me to leave..."
Roman stood up.
He walked out of his room and down the hall to the imagination room. He walked past all the walls, lining up with books. He opened another two double doors to reveal a rivine. If you look straight down, its just darkness.

"Here I go.."
Roman stepped a few inches closer.
The forgetful rivine was where things go to be forgotten by the sides and Thomas. Roman wanted to go in there. Not only was he curious, he wanted everyone to forget him. And hopefully, he would forget them too, forget Virgil.
He stepped a few more inches closer before stopping right at the edge.

Someone yelled.
The side jerked Roman back, pulling his arm and hugging him so he wouldnt go into the rivine.
Roman gulped and tears started falling. He hugged the side back as he cried. He sniffled and looked down. Virgil looked so their eyes met and smiled.

"What are you doing? Your crazy..."
Virgil said, sounding worried.
Roman looked away from his gaze and gulped.

"I-I.... Im sorry.."
Roman sighed.
He looked back to see Virgil had stained tears on his face.

"Were you... crying?"
Roman asked.
Virgil's eyes widened and he let go of Roman to hide his face.

"N-No... I just.. Patton had me help make dinner earlier and there were onions..."
Virgil lied.
Roman raised a brow and smirked. He wiped his tears away and hugged Virgil once more.

"Im sorry... I havent had the chance to say this, but im sorry.."
Roman admitted.
Virgil chuckled and moved Roman's so he was looking at him. He settled his hands on his cheeks and pulled them closer, quickly pulling away.

"Well that wasnt very long."
Roman pouted, pulling Virgil in for a longer kiss.
Logan leaned against the door frame of the huge double doors and smirked.

"You guys coming to get dinner, or what?"
He chuckled.
Virgil pushed Roman off, grabbing his wrist so he doesnt fall into the rivine and throwing him aside.

"L-Logan! I-I can explain!!"
Virgil exclaimed.
Logan laughed.

"Explain what? I am actually quite haply you two are dating again. I, in fact, just got asked out by Patton, so I am glad I am not the one to explain since I can not explain emotions."
Logan explained.
Virgil wa quick to grab Roman's hand and walk with him and Logan to the mind palace room corridors and sink down to Thomas' living room.


Sorry Im so late to update. A requested chapter is after this one, so i will try to get that finished

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