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What ship do you guys want to see next? I will take Prinxiety and/or Logicality, Logince and/or Moxiety, or Royality and/or Analogical. It will only have the four main sides in it, maybe a slip of Deceit and Remy. But anyways, what would you guys like to see? (Im a Prinxiety and Logicality shipper, obviously, so I do not ship the sides with anyone else besides Prinxiety and Logicality, so sorry in advanced for I do not write anything about the sides with Deceit. Only him and Remy. I also do not ship all the sides, for example, Lamp, I will not write anything about the main sides with Deceit or Lamp.) (You can also request Picani and Remy, but not for the next chapter)

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