Hydrate Yourself

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Roman had been staying up, day after night. He had to keep working on the script for Thomas since Joan was sick and couldnt do it themselves.
Sure Roman was really tired and hungry, but that didnt stop him from endless nights.

Patton knocked on his door.

"You oksy in there kiddo? We havent seen you in awhile!"
Patton exclaimed.
Roman sighed.

"Im fine Patton, I will be out once the script is done. Its almost finished!"
Roman smiled tiredly.
Patton walked away from the door and downstairs to his boyfriend.
Roman finished Thomas' last line and stood up quickly.

"Im finished!"
Roman exclaimed.
He unlocked his door and ran downstairs. He smiled widely at the other sides.

Virgil said.

"Oh Im so proud of you!"
Patton clapped.
He patted Roman on the shoulder then went upstairs. Princey sighed and walled to the kitchen where Logan was.

"Ah, exellent work Roman."
Logan said.
Roman smiled at him and opened the fridge.

"Time to rewards myself with some water!"
Roman grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge and opened it.
Logan looked at him confused.

"Roman, that is not a reward. That is something you need to survive."
Logan explained.
Roman shrugged.

"I needed to finish that script. Surviving was not a luxury I could afford."
Roman said.
Virgil grabbed his bottle of water from the coffee table and threw it at him.

Virgil yelled.
Roman got hit straight in the head causing him to spill the water he was drinking.

"Yknow what, since you spilled mine, im drinking yours."
Roman picked up the water Virgil threw at him and chugged it down.

"Good. Its better than no water and dying."
Virgil said, going back to paying attention to his phone.

"Now now, who did I hear swearing down here?"
Patton asked, looking over the railing on the stairs.

"Sorry dad."
Virgil apologised.

"Its okay kiddo, just make sure it doesnt happen again. Love you guys!!"
Patton skipped back up the stairs then sunk down to the real world and talked to Thomas, Dominic and Dominic's dog.

"Love you too."
Logan replied.
Roman looked at him and raised a brow.

"Oh ho ho! You never say you love us. The only time you did it wasnt properly."
Roman said.
Virgil turned off his phone and walked to where Roman and Logan were. He held onto Roman.

"They are dating. If you came out of your room you would already know."
Virgil said.
Roman blushed.

"Well yes but, if I came out and wasted time, the script wouldnt be done. Not to mention my deadline is tomorrow, so I got it done early."
Roman explained.
He put an arm around the anxious side that was clinging onto him.

"Yes, but did Thomas not say that your health is better and to make sure you do not stay in your room forever?"
Logan asked.
Roman blushed in embarrassment.

"Well yes but-"
Roman began.

"But what Princey? Take care of your health, not some stupid script."
Virgil said.
He let go of Roman and looked at him.

"Go take a shower. You smell and your hair is greasy."
Anxiety said.
He walked back upstairs to Roman's room to help clean up while he took a shower.

Why did he hold me like that? Virgil.. you little weasle. I love you.
Roman smiled at his thoughts and stepped in the shower.


Sorry it was a short chapter, Ive been having writers block for a bit of time now.

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