She's scared

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Mark's pov

I was recording a video with Jack when my phone went off. "Hang on a second Jack I gotta check something." I said. I picked up my phone and saw that there was a message from Sig. I had my phone read it out loud for me.

"Hey Mark. Listen to me okay, I'm really scared right now. Someone is after me and I don't know who they are. I'm scared that they are going to try to kill me. If you know them please let them know that I'll fight them if I have to. Buh bye." She said.

Jack went quiet and I don't know why. "Mark save me....." Jack said. Anti must be hurting him. "Jack I can't I can't go there I'm to far away." I said.

"Then don't. Let me take care of Jackaboy. Now who was that message from?" Anti asked. "I'm not telling you!" I said.

"Okay then, I'll ask Dark since I know he's in there and he knows who you talk to." He said. Then everything went black.

Dark's pov

"What is it Anti? I was having fun scaring someone." I said. "Who was Mark texting?" He asked.

"A girl name Signy. I think I'm in love with her." I said. I heard Anti growl. Then we both blacked out.

My pov

I was laying in my bed shaking. I was so scared. A demon is after me and there's no way I'm getting away from him. I think it's someone who I have had feelings for since he first appeared on Mark's channel. "You are started to figure it out aren't you my dear?" I heard a voice say.

"Where the fuck are you? And w-who a-are y-you?" I asked. I sat up against the wall with my knees covering my chest. "Dear you should know who I am by my voice." He said.

I saw a being appear in front of me pinning me to the wall. "L-let m-me g-go." I stuttered out. He smirked devilishly looking at the fear in my eyes. "Now you know who I am?" He asked.

I shivered. "D-d-d...." I couldn't speak. I was to scared to say anything. "D-d-d what? Can't you say my name kitten?" He said holding my hands to the sides of my head. I squirmed to break free but he was to strong.

"Say my name kitten. You know it." He said leaning closer to me. "Dark!" I choked out. "Good girl. Now I have noticed that you seem to be in a relationship with someone. You didn't tell them about me scaring you, you told Mark instead. Why is that?" He said.

I couldn't answer I was too scared, and nervous. I mean my crush for the longest time is right in front of me. I sneezed looking down. "Oh so you're nervous aren't you? Why don't you show your true se-." He was stopped by the sound of the front door opening.

"We'll continue this later." He said. He put a shock collar around my neck and disappeared. "Honey we brought pizza home." My dad said.

After dinner I went to bed. I was too tired to play video games or even talk to anyone.

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