I'm back bitches

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My pov

~my dream~

I woke up in a strange room. I was laying on the floor by the wall. It was dimly lit, but I could see at least enough. I looked at my hands and saw that I had chains on me. I heard the sound of a door open.

I saw Anti walk in. "Did you guys really think I'd be fully gone?" He asked stepping closer to me. I saw he had a knife in his hand. I shook my head "no" but it seems like that's not the answer he wanted.

"Dear I want to hear your voice. You're not getting out of here til I'm done." He said. "Yes sir....." I said feeling defeated.

He stabbed the knife into the wall beside my head. "What's my name?" He asked. "I'm not calling you that name. That name belongs to Dark." I said glaring at him.

He smirked evily. "Well then. Dark can't save you here. We're in my world now. There's no doubt about it, and in here you listen to me. I'll come talk to you every night, and you better listen to me while you're here. If you don't, well then I'm going to punish you." He said.

I shivered at this. I don't want to call him Master. I want to only call Dark that. Not Anti, Anti isn't worthy of it. "Let me go. I don't want you Anti, I don't even want to be near you." I said.

He smirked more and came closer to me. Our faces were mere inches apart. I growled at him. "Now now kitten there's no need to be feisty. You know that I'm the stronger one here." He said.

He pinned me against the wall and kissed my neck. I squirmed to get away, I didn't want his attention. "Don't fight me. You know you like it." He said.

I then see him pull the blade put of the wall. "Fight me more and things will get bloody got it?" He asked. "Yes..... Master." I growled out the last part.

"Good kitten. Now I do say, I think Dark did a good job on making you not a virgin anymore. That makes me not your first good." He said. He then started kissing my neck again making me want to let out quiet moans, but I fought against it.

Then all of that left when I woke up.

~end of dream~

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