People don't like us

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Dark's pov

Mark called me and asked me to come back to L.A. to do a video with him. I told him I had to bring Signy. I'm not letting Anti hurt her. I love her to much to let that happen again. She told me every thing that happened with Anti.

I was so mad, but I calmed down because of her. She made me feel better than anything else in the world. "Babe come on stop being lazy. You won't get anything Master if you keep sitting here making me wait." She said.

"Sorry babe. I just spaced out that's all." I said. "Still thinking about the past? Dark it's been months since then. I'm 17 now, I'm alright baby." She said.

Her parents don't know about our relationship. The only person who knows is Alex. "Okay I'm ready. Do I use my powers to teleport us there or do you?" I asked.

"Well I don't know where Mark's house is, so you're gonna have to do it Darkimoo." She said. I teleported us to Mark's house and we ended up scaring him because we appeared out of no where.

"Dark, and Signy nice to see you guys. But did you really have to surprise me like that?" Mark asked. "Yes we did Mark. Now can we get done with the video. I don't want to be here to long. Wait is Sean here?" I asked.

Mark nodded. "Anti couldn't be here babe. Sean wouldn't let him come here." She said. She always know how to calm me down.

"What the fook is going on in here Merk?" Sean said walking into the living room. He saw me and Signy, and he smiled. "Hello Dark and Sig. How are you guys?" He asked.

"We're good. I'm trying to help Dark stay calm about what happened with Anti." She said. I kissed the top of her head and smiled. "I'm glad we're together. Sig it's been wonderful to have you apart of my life." I said looking into her eyes.

"Oh such sappy love. Disgusting." Anti took control of Sean's body. Mark was knocked out and me and Sig both looked at Anti. "How about we play a game Dark. The winner keeps Sig, and the loser never talks to her again." Anti said.

"How about we don't. She's my girlfriend, not a prize. Plus you don't deserve her. She's more special than the stars above." I said. "I don't think you have a choice Dark." He said.

I saw Sig appear in his arms and he held a knife up to her neck. "Anti let go of me!" She said squirming. "Sleep kitty." She passed out.

"Now that she's out of the way. Let's play the game. If you don't follow my orders in this game Dark. Well you'll see what happens to poor Sig over here." He said. I didn't want to play the game, but I had to save Sig.

"What's the game?" I asked. "The game is you go to sleep." He said. Then everything went black.

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